Hello, I had a question about my father in law. He is currently getting disability and is getting paid 500 to take care of his daughter. He also has his two sons (19 and 22) along with one of their wives and granddaughter living with him. He wants to give guardianship to me and my husband for a better educational opportunities for his daughter. Would he stop getting his disability if he were to do that? Or stop receiving the 500 for his daughter even though he has four other kids under his care. He currently lives in VT and I live in TX.
Hi there,
He would not lose his disability if he is receiving it based off of his work record, but if he is not he may have a change in his benefits.
My stepson has been staying with me for over 10yrs. His mother(whom I'm not with anymore) is receiving SSI for him from his father who past when he was about 4. He's 17 now. He doesn't receive any of the money that comes to her for him. Is there a way for him to have his benefits come to him. We are in Florida
In reply to My stepson has been staying by Anonymous (not verified)
Hi there,
Yes, you can have the payee for the stepson changed to someone who would use the benefits for him, you can call the SSA at 1-800-772-1213 and they will help you do so.
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