Why You Should Speak with a Social Security Attorney
Applying for Social Security disability benefits can be a complicated process. An attorney is a great resource to have when filing a claim for Social Security disability benefits.
It's the attorney's job to work with claimants and to help them get the Social Security benefits that they truly deserve.
Were you denied benefits? Do you have a question about the application process? Are you not sure if you qualify for disability benefits?
You've come to the right place! We've asked attorney Alaina Sullivan to give her input on some of the most common and confusing questions regarding Social Security benefits.
Here's what she had to say on your questions:
- Can an attorney help me with my application paperwork?
- Can I work with a Social Security attorney in another state?
- How much does a Social Security attorney cost?
- Should I hire an attorney after a denial?
- Should I hire an attorney if I haven’t applied yet?
- Will a lawyer affect my monthly benefits?
- Will a Social Security lawyer take my case?
- What fees will a Social Security attorney receive?