Chondrosarcoma with Multimodal Therapy and Social Security Disability

The average application for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits takes a minimum of three months to be reviewed before being denied benefits, as the national average for denials is about 70 percent. After being denied by the initial review, an applicant can go through a reconsideration, followed by an appeal, if their application is denied a second time. Altogether, the process can take a year or longer, with some applicants waiting more than two years for a final decision on their eligibility.

Because those with terminal illnesses and very severe disabilities don’t have months or years to wait for disability benefits to come through, the Social Security Administration (SSA) established the Compassionate Allowances (CAL) program in 2008. Under CAL, there is a pre-approved list of conditions, that when the reason for a disability application, qualify that application for expedited processing.

There are currently 113 conditions active in the SSA’s CAL program and another 52 conditions which were recently approved for inclusion on that list, including Chondrosarcoma with Multimodal Therapy. Chondrosarcoma with Multimodal Therapy and the other 51 conditions recently approved for expedited processing will become a formal part of the CAL program as of August 13, 2012.

If you’ve received a diagnosis of Chondrosarcoma in which Multimodal Therapy is required, the following information will help you understand the SSA’s disability claims process for this diagnosis. It will also give you some guidelines for increasing your chances of being quickly approved for disability benefits under the CAL guidelines of the SSA.

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Chondrosarcoma with Multimodal Therapy – Condition and Symptoms

Chondrosarcoma is a form of cancer that usually begins in the bone, though less often, chondrosarcomas can develop outside of the bones in the muscles next to them. Bone cancers are rare, and chondrosarcoma is the second most prevalent form. It is usually found in individuals over the age of 40, and much more rarely in children and teens. Tumors most often develop in the shoulders, legs or pelvis.

The term Multimodal Therapy refers to the idea of using multiple forms of treatment in combination to stop the progression of disease and potentially reverse the affects thus far. When chondrosarcoma is diagnosed early, surgery can often remove the tumors. Radiation or chemotherapy may be used after surgery as an added measure to prevent the spread of recurrence of cancer cells.

When chondrosarcoma is diagnosed later in the disease’s progression and it has spread to other areas of the body, radiation, chemotherapy and surgery may all be necessary. Ablation procedures, which use heating probes or liquid nitrogen to destroy tumors, may also be required in some cases.

A single cancer treatment is difficult enough for patients to endure. Undergoing multiple forms of treatment simultaneously or in close progression can be severely disabling. This is the reason the SSA has recently approved Chondrosarcoma with Multimode Therapy for expedited processing under the Compassionate Allowances program.

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Filing for Social Security Disability with Chondrosarcoma with Multimode Therapy

Getting a diagnosis of cancer is devastating, and finding out you have a rare form of bone cancer can be that much more so. Early diagnosis of Chondrosarcoma can often prevent the need for multimode therapy. Later diagnosis usually means a much steeper uphill battle to recovery. Working while dealing with the symptoms of the illness and the side effects of various treatments is impossible with Chondrosarcoma with Multimode Therapy.

Although Chondrosarcoma with Multimode Therapy has been approved by the SSA for faster review and approval according to CAL guidelines, this does not mean your application will automatically be approved. You must still substantiate your claim for disability by including expensive medical documentation in your application.

The documentation you include in your application for SSDI benefits should encompass diagnosis records; treatment methods, dates and outcomes; lab and other test results; and all other available medical records. Statements from your various doctors should also be included. The more records you’re able to include in your application the better your chances of proving beyond a doubt your eligibility for SSDI benefits.

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Your Chondrosarcoma with Multimode Therapy Social Security Disability Case

While Chondrosarcoma with Multimode Therapy was recently added to the SSA’s Compassionate Allowances list, the diagnosis alone will not be enough to guarantee approval for disability benefits. You must still show substantial proof of disability within your application. Hiring a disability attorney can make the claims process run more smoothly and can shorten the wait time for SSDI benefits as well.

To learn more about the Social Security Compassionate Allowance listings or to discover whether you qualify for Social Security Disability benefits with a diagnosis of Chondrosarcoma with Multimode Therapy, request a free case evaluation today.

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