When applying for disability benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA), it is not uncommon for a Social Security Disability claimant to wait months or even years before being approved for benefits. While no one likes to wait such a lengthy period of time for disability benefits to begin, for most applicants it is an unavoidable necessity and a process that must be endured. For applicants whose conditions are so severe that it is impossible for them to wait out the lengthy application and appeals process, however, the Social Security Disability Compassionate Allowances program can help.
The Social Security Administration has recognized the fact that some disability applicants cannot wait months or years for their disability benefits to be approved. As a result, they have created a list of 88 different conditions that qualify for faster claim processing under the SSA's Compassionate Allowances guidelines. Inoperable or unresectable bone cancer, or bone cancer with distant metastases, are covered under these Compassionate Allowances listings.
If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with bone cancer, the following information will help you understand the Social Security Disability application process and how your condition may qualify you for a faster approval of your disability claim.
Back to topBone Cancer - Condition and Symptoms
Bone cancer is a type of cancer that forms in the cells of the bone. Bone cancer can begin in any bone of the body, but it most commonly starts in the long bones of the arms and the legs. There are many types of bone cancers, but bone cancer should not be confused with cancers such as a multiple myeloma or leukemia that occur in the blood cells of the bones. Approximately 2,700 new cases of bone cancer are diagnosed each year and the condition accounts for approximately 1,500 annual deaths in the United States alone. Most patients who are diagnosed with bone cancer are children, although the condition may develop in adults as well.
The causes of a bone cancer are difficult to pinpoint, although certain risk factors may increase an individual's chances of developing the disease. Genetics are thought to play a role in the development of some forms of bone cancer. Paget's disease and radiation exposure are also risk factors that can increase an individual's chances of developing this type of cancer.
While the symptoms of bone cancer vary from patient to patient, common symptoms of bone cancer include bone pain, swelling and tenderness near the affected bones, weakening of the bones, increased risk of fracture, fatigue, and unexplained weight loss.
The specific treatment for bone cancer will vary depending on the stage of the cancer and whether the cancer has spread to other areas of the body. When an individual is diagnosed with bone cancer, surgery is usually the recommended treatment. If surgery is not an option, other treatments for bone cancer may include amputation, chemotherapy, and radiation.
Back to topFiling for Social Security Disability with Bone Cancer
If you are filing a claim for Social Security Disability benefits due to a diagnosis of bone cancer, your condition qualifies for processing under the Social Security Compassionate Allowances guidelines if the cancer is inoperable, unresectable, or has distant metastases. Because of this, you may receive an approval for disability benefits in less than a month, rather than having to wait a year or more for benefits to begin.
When filing a claim for disability benefits due to this condition, it is important to provide as much medical documentation as possible to the Social Security Administration. Written statements from your treating physicians should be provided with your application, along with lab results and a complete copy of your medical records and history. Providing the Social Security Administration with as much evidence as possible will help the adjudicator who is reviewing your claim to make a correct judgment regarding your disability benefits.
Back to topYour Bone Cancer Social Security Disability Case
Although inoperable or unresectable bone cancer and bone cancer with distant metastases are included in the 88 conditions that are listed in the Social Security Administration's Compassionate Allowances listings, there is still a chance that you may be denied disability benefits at the initial stage of the application process. Compassionate Allowances applications are occasionally denied by the Social Security Administration, most commonly due to a lack of sufficient medical evidence or a lack of knowledge on the part of the adjudicator reviewing the claim. Because of this, you should consider retaining the services of a qualified attorney or advocate when filing your Social Security Disability claim.
Working with a qualified disability attorney or advocate will ensure that your application for Social Security Disability benefits is submitted properly to the Social Security Administration and that you have provided the SSA with all of the necessary medical documentation to successfully process your claim. It will also ensure that your application is presented in such a way that the adjudicator reviewing your claim will understand how your condition qualifies for expedited processing under the Compassionate Allowances guidelines.
If you would like to find out whether or not you qualify for Social Security Disability benefits due to a diagnosis of unresectable or inoperable bone cancer, or a case of bone cancer with distant metastases, or simply to learn more about the Social Security Compassionate Allowances program, submit a request for a free Social Security Disability case review today.
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