We are not affiliated with the SSA, so we do not have it. To find it on the SSA's site, you'll need to log into your MySSA account (ssa.gov/myaccount/). If you haven't made one yet, you'll have to do that first. Then, you should be able to access the information you need.
I need a copy of my rewards letter
In reply to I need a copy of my rewards by Timothy Arnez Banner (not verified)
Hi Timothy,
You can try logging in to your MySSA account to get a copy or going to your local SSA office.
I need a 2019 Award letter
In reply to I need a 2019 Award letter by Susanne Williams (not verified)
Hi Susanne,
You can try logging into your mySSA account, calling the SSA t 1-800-772-1213 or visiting your local SSA office!
SSA disability office in Sherwood, AR advised I could get a reward letter online and print it off. Just trying to find it.
In reply to SSA disability office in by Penny (not verified)
Hi Penny,
We are not affiliated with the SSA, so we do not have it. To find it on the SSA's site, you'll need to log into your MySSA account (ssa.gov/myaccount/). If you haven't made one yet, you'll have to do that first. Then, you should be able to access the information you need.
do I have come in the office to get award letter
In reply to do I have come in the office by Juanita Chestnut (not verified)
Hi Juanita,
Your awards letter should be mailed to you. If you misplaced the mailed copy, you may be able to get one at an SSA office.
I have lost my rewards letter. How can I get it asap.
In reply to I have lost my rewards letter by Peggy Gabby (not verified)
Hi Peggy,
You can try logging into your MySSA account or visiting your local SSA office.
I need a copy of my rewards letter
In reply to I need a copy of my rewards by earl emrick (not verified)
Hi Earl,
You may be able to get one on your MySSA account. If not, I would contact the SSA at 1-800-772-1213 or visit your local SSA office to request one.
I need to get my reward letter don't even see here were to find or look for the site ???
In reply to I need to get my reward by Cathy Pervis (not verified)
Hi Cathy,
You may be able to get one on your MySSA account. If not, I would contact the SSA at 1-800-772-1213 or visit your local SSA office to request one.
I need a copy of my rewards letter. Can anyone tell me what I need to do to get this?
In reply to I need a copy of my rewards by alann heldfond (not verified)
Hi Alann,
You can try logging into your MySSA account, calling the SSA at 1-800-772-1213 or visiting your local SSA office (make an appointment before you go).
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