I became disabled in October of 2010 and applied for SSDI. I have been treated by my doctor every week since then and have retained an attorney for my SSDI process.
I have been paying in to the Social Security system for 38 years and am 55 years old. I had been at my last job for 20 years until I had to retire in June 2012 due to my disability.
During my hearing the judge asked the Vocational Expert if I would be able to do full time work in my present position and she told the judge that I would not be able to. The judge then asked I would be able to do full time work in any position and the VE answered no, that I would not.
My doctor also provided paperwork that stated that I have a total disability and could not do any work. I also provided a letter from my former boss who I worked directly for the entire 20 years stating that I was a dependable and dedicated employee until I started missing a lot of days during the summer of 2010 due to the start up of my disability.
I just found out that my case is with a Decision Writer and would be turning the case back over to the judge in a couple of weeks.
My question is, with my work history, age, doctors treatment and findings of the Vocational Expert, what would be my chances of being rewarded benefits?
I called the SSI people to check on my review she said that if I don't get a check or letter by a certain date I have a call back what does that mean
In reply to I called the SSI people to by Jeff (not verified)
Hi Jeff,
It may mean they had not processed your application by that date.
Called today and they said my letter went to a third party mail place. It's been 6 months for a decision. I am scared and why a third party mailer?
In reply to Called today and they said my by Scared (not verified)
Hi there,
I could not say, it may be that you had moved or that you had listed the wrong address in your application. You may want to contact the SSA for more information.
I had hearing for disability on Dec 8 n was told dis mth DAT its n unassigned write up what does DAT means?
In reply to I had hearing for disability by Mary (not verified)
Hi Mary,
I could not say, I am unfamiliar with that acronym. You may want to contact the SSA regarding this.
Need information on last chance claim,already got phone call,asked if my account was still open!
In reply to Need information on last by MargaretMFarmer (not verified)
Hi Margaret,
We are unaffiliated with the SSA, so unfortunately we cannot help you directly, but the SSA should be able to assist you with that.
I'm diagnosed with ptsd antisocial disorder schizophrenia effective bipolar disorder and I see a Dr ice a week I,m currently on medication for the disorders.and recently was in a metal hospital. Both my drawing. Suggest that I apply for ssi. With there cooperation and documents do I have any type of chances to win my case or should I end my own misery..???
In reply to I'm diagnosed with ptsd by Charles Carey (not verified)
HI Charles,
You may want to apply for benefits. Generally the older you are and the more documentation of your condition that you have, the better chances you may have.
In reply to I'm diagnosed with ptsd by Charles Carey (not verified)
HI Charles,
You may want to apply for benefits. Generally the older you are and the more documentation of your condition that you have, the better chances you may have.
With hepatitis c an manic depressive disorder and Sctzoeffective biopolar disorder antisocial disorder an Ptsd. Do I stand any type of chances on winning a ssi claim an should I try in find a lawyer first? I see a Dr. Weekly and both doctors recommended me to file an said they would back me up. I've been told winning cases for mental health issues is complicated to win
In reply to With hepatitis c an manic by Chuck (not verified)
Hi Chuck,
You might want to speak with a lawyer first. You're right, mental health issues can be tricky when applying for SSI. Wishing you nothing but the best.
It's ridiculous how long this process takes. I truly believe they want you to either give up, become homeless, or die waiting. These judges need to be reined in. It takes forever to even get a hearing. They have months after the case is assigned to them to read all the medical records BEFORE the hearing. They should know as soon as you walk out of the courtroom if they are going to approve you or not. Why don't they just take an hour or so after the hearing ends and write the decision right then? Writing the decision is part of their job. No one likes paperwork but these judges are paid ridiculously high salaries for how incompetent they seem to be at completing tha part of their job. They need to have time limits in place so people aren't waiting even more months for a final decision! It's been almost 5 months since my hearing and all I am getting is crickets even with my lawyer calling to check status once a week...
In reply to It's ridiculous how long by Gretchen (not verified)
Hi Gretchen,
I understand your frustration, it can be a very long process. Good job staying proactive and checking in with your lawyer. Wishing you nothing but the best.
ssi denied...
ssd says this..but not denied?? i am confused
A Decision Has Been Made On Your Benefit Application
Your claim for Disability benefits has been processed. A notice has been sent to you with a detailed explanation of the decision.
If you disagree with the decision, you may request an appeal within 60 days of the date on the "Notice of Decision" you receive.
In reply to ssi denied... by christy (not verified)
HI Christy,
You may not have qualified for SSI if you qualify for SSDI benefits and as such you may have been denied for SSI.
My doctor put in my papers that my condition IS disabling. Also the VE said I wouldn't be able to hold a job due to how much time from work I would miss. Does this prove my disability?
In reply to My doctor put in my papers by Anonymous (not verified)
Hi There,
I can't say for sure, but the more medical evidence you have, the better your chances are of winning your case.
The SSA is an absolute joke. Making people wait 12 months for a decision.
ALJ's with no medical experience making decisions on medical disability cases. The entire system is a dysfunctional disgrace.
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