I am 52 years old and have been disabled for 8 years due to renal failure. My question is, since I have had a kidney transplant, does my social security benefits end. If so when, because there is always a chance of rejection. If it does end, I do not want to be taken by surprise, will they let you know early enough, or will it be oneof those deals where they just cut you off, then inform you that you are no longer eligible?
I received a kidney transplant April 2017, I started receiving short term disability about 2 weeks later from my employer for 13 weeks. I applied for ssd in May and was approved in July. My payments start in November 2017, but I went back to work part time in October 1, 2017 because I needed money. I also worked up until the day I received my transplant. Two questions, am I entitled to back payments and will they reduce my ssd money because I went back to work part time
In reply to I received a kidney by anonymous 34 (not verified)
Hi There,
1. You may be entitled to back pay from the date you initially applied for disability benefits.
2. If your monthly income exceeds the 2017 SGA limit, it could reduce the amount from your benefits from the SSA.
In reply to Hi There, by Eric
Thanks Eric, I was wondering do I need to speak with an advocate or ssd lawyer. I applied May 19 for SSD and I had my surgery April 26, I received my award letter in July and my benefits start late November. I was hoping to get back pay since I was out of work. I returned to work September 29 part time. I make $660 monthly gross income and $165 net pay bi weekly, that doesn't exceed SGA does it also do I qualify for medicare
In reply to Thanks Eric, I was wondering by anonymous 34 (not verified)
Hi there,
If you've already been approved for disability benefits, an attorney may not be able to help you. If you make $660/month you're well under SGA, but just be sure to not make more than $800 and you'll be fine!
My transplanted kidney after 20 years is failing. My creative is 1.9. I feel bad joint pain barely urinating. If kidney fails completely will I have to wait another six months before receiving disability pay
In reply to My transplanted kidney after by M church (not verified)
No--kidney failure is a qualifying condition and you will not need to wait until you have another transplant to qualify.
I had a kidney transplant over 21 years ago now my creatinine is increasing the last time it was 1.95 I have bone pain swelling sometimes I feel like I’m short of breath and I feel very Tired by the end of the day I thought with small amounts in my urine stream is very Like I have not applied For disability nor have I talking to my doctor but I plan to. I still work I’m a nurse and that’s the only work I’ve done for 21 years do you think this is eligibility for disability
In reply to I had a kidney transplant by Mary church (not verified)
Hi Mary,
You may want to contact a disability advocate or attorney about your case as they can help you through the application process. You can get in touch with one by filling out this form here:
I had a kidney transplant 9/2014 and have never received a review for SSDI or medicare. Is this normal? Should I do anything about it?
In reply to I had a kidney transplant 9 by Bob (not verified)
Hi Bob,
If your kidney transplant hinders your ability to work, you could qualify for SSDI. You can take our Free Disability Evaluation here:https://www.disability-benefits-help.org/form/free-disability-evaluation
I already get ssdi and i wanted to no will i be able to receive other benefits due to my father receiving ssd and if so how much i started receiving ssd at the age of 20
In reply to I already get ssdi and i by Moses (not verified)
Hi Moses,
It's tough to say for sure, because cases vary. I would recommend reaching out to the SSA regarding that matter.
Inhad my kidney transplant last July 2017, I did applied for social security but they denied
Me and I didn’t reapply. I went back to work Nov. 2017 and just lately, jan 12, I received a letter from social security about being rewarded and my first check for January will be sent out in feb. does this mean that I won’t get my disability or is there a trial work period? If there is , is there any stipulation on how much I earn before I can get the disability pay?
In reply to Inhad my kidney transplant by Rowena (not verified)
Hi Rowena,
I'm not really sure! You may have been eligible for benefits for a certain amount of time that ended after you returned to work, but it'd be a good idea to contact the SSA regarding this, you can do so by contacting them at 1-800-772-1213.
My wife had a kidney transplant 10 years ago but never got disability she has cmv and now is an anemic is she eligible now for disability
In reply to My wife had a kidney by Daniel j Rodriguez (not verified)
Hi Daniel,
I am so sorry to hear that, but she may be able to qualify for SSDI. You can apply on her behalf here:https://www.disability-benefits-help.org/form/free-disability-evaluation
I had a liver and kidney transplant in 2012 and have been on SSDI and medicare insurance since then. I received my letter a few weeks ago that I February will be my last month on both. I cannot do the jobs that I used to do and I'm 52. My main concern is insurance for myself and meds that I need to keep going. I have developed AFIB in the last year and have been in the hospital three times since last December. I am wondering what I should do about insurance since if I do get a full time job again you have a long waiting period before you can use the benefits. What can I do about insurance until that time I find full time employment? I'm very concerned that I will not even be able to afford my medications for several months. Thanks for any reply.
In reply to I had a liver and kidney by Scott (not verified)
HI Scott,
I'm sorry to hear about that! You may still be eligible for disability benefits it may be a good idea to contact the SSA regarding this, and in the meantime you may want to contact the office in your state that handles Medicaid in regards to insurance in the interim.
I had a kidney transplant in March 2016 after 2 and a half years on dialysis.
I was 68 years of age at the time of my transplant and retired.
I have never received any benefits of any description and I am wondering if I am entitled to claim for anything. I have never applied for any benefits related to my illness. I am also an insulin controlled Stage 2 diabetic.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated
In reply to I had a kidney transplant in by Len (not verified)
Hi Len,
If you receive SSA retirement benefits, you may not be eligible for SSDI benefits, but you may qualify for income-based SSI benefits depending on your income and resources.
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