Social Security Disability Offices in Tucson, Arizona

According to the 2014 US Annual Disability Report, almost 13% of Arizona’s population reports a disability of some kind. Of those, almost 10% report an ambulatory (limb movement) disability, while a whopping 1/3 of people affected are over the age of 50, far over the national average.

While the average initial disability approval rate in Arizona is similar to those throughout the country (around 31%), it is always best to give increase your chances of approval by learning more about your surrounding Tucson Social Security offices.

Continue below to learn who to call and where to go when applying for benefits in Tucson.

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Tucson, AZ Social Security Office

Address: 3808 N 1st Ave, Tucson, AZ 85719
Phone: (800) 772-1213
Office Hours:
MON: 09:00 AM — 04:00 PM
TUES: 09:00 AM — 04:00 PM
WED: 09:00 AM—12:00 PM
THUR: 09:00 AM — 04:00 PM
FRI: 09:00 AM — 04:00 PM

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Directions to the Tucson SSA Office:

By car: the main Tucson Social Security office is most easily accessible off of the I-10 West. From here, take exit 256 toward Grant Road, make a right onto W Grant Road, and turn left onto N 1st Ave, when the SS office will be on your right.

By public transit: The 17 bus towards La Cholla/Ruthrauff travels directly past Tucson’s SS office past stop “Prince/1st Ave”.

It is also beside the 15 bus’s “Roger/1st Ave” stop, headed towards Tucson Country Club.

Tucson, AZ Social Security Office Information Back to top

Tucson’s ODAR Office

In some cases, Tucson Social Security applicants need to file an appeal in order to have their denied application reconsidered. Appeals are reviewed in court by an administrative law judge, or ALJ, that makes a new judgment on the case.

Address: 201 N Bonita Ave, Tucson, AZ 85745
Phone: (888) 383-8694

ALJs Serving the Tucson ODAR office:

  • Judge Peter J. Baum
  • Judge Charles Davis
  • Judge Yasmin Elias
  • Judge Laura S. Havens
  • Judge Larry E. Johnson
  • Judge George W. Reyes

Average Hearing Wait Time: 18.00 months
Average Processing Time: 603 days
Average Dispositions Per Day Per ALJ: 1.78

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Tucson Senator and Congressman Information

Disability applications can take a long period of months before a decision is released. To help the process along, some applicants find it useful to call their local congressional representative or senator's offices for an update on their filing status.

Other methods, such as contacting a disability attorney, may also help you to expedite the process as well.


Raul Grijalva
Address: 738 N 5th Ave #110, Tucson, AZ 85705
Phone: (520) 622-6788

Martha McSally
Address: 4400 E Broadway Blvd, Tucson, AZ 85711
Phone: (520) 881-3588


John McCain
Address: 2201 East Camelback Road Suite 115, Phoenix, AZ 85016
Phone: (602) 952-2410

Jeff Flake
Address: 2200 East Camelback Road Suite 120, Phoenix, AZ 85016
Phone: (602) 840-1891

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Contacting a Disability Attorney

Disability attorneys can make an incredible difference in your case, from helping you file claims to representing you in court during appeals.

Instead of receiving payment upfront, they are required by federal law to only be paid if you win your case, lessening the risk to hire.

Consider contacting a Tucson Social Security disability attorney near you today for the best chance at receiving the disability benefits you deserve. 

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