In 2011 alone, the Social Security Administration is expected to receive more than three million claims for Social Security Disability benefits. Many of these applicants will submit their claims assuming that disability benefits will be granted in a few short months. Unfortunately, as few as 30 percent of Social Security Disability applications are actually approved during the initial stage of the application process. To make matters worse, a number of these denied claims will have been filed by the parents of severely or terminally disabled children in desperate need of benefits from the Social Security Administration.
When a child is facing a debilitating and life-threatening disability, the financial hardships faced by the child's family can be both significant and overwhelming. In some cases, Social Security Disability benefits can alleviate some of the financial burden, but the lengthy and complicated disability application process can often take as much as two years to complete.
In 2008 the Social Security Administration recognized that not all disabilities should be considered equally. As a result, the SSA implemented the Compassionate Allowances program. Under the Compassionate Allowances guidelines, some disability applicants can obtain approval of their Social Security Disability benefits in a few short weeks instead of having to wait months or years for benefits to begin.
Subacute Sclerosis Panencephalitis is one of the 88 conditions that qualify a disability application for processing under the Compassionate Allowances guidelines. If your child has been diagnosed with this condition, the following information will help you through the disability claim process and will let you know what you can do to increase your chances of obtaining Social Security Disability benefits for your child more quickly under the SSA's Compassionate Allowances guidelines.
Back to topSubacute Sclerosis Panencephalitis - Condition and Symptoms
Subacute Sclerosis Panencephalitis, also known as SSPE, is a rare disorder that usually affects children and young adults. The disease is caused by the measles virus, with the particular disorder developing when a child is infected with a form of the virus that mutates and does not go away. Approximately one in every 100,000 individuals who are affected with measles will go on to develop SSPE.
The symptoms of Subacute Sclerosis Panencephalitis can vary depending on the severity of the condition. Psycho-neurological deterioration, personality changes, seizures, ataxia, spasicity, photosensitivy disorders and, in severe cases, coma may be caused by the condition. While there is no cure for SSPE, there are medications that can help manage the disease if caught early enough.
The treatment and prognosis of Subacute Sclerosis Panencephalitis will vary depending on how far the disease has progressed at the time of diagnosis. If caught early, the disease is treatable. If the condition is not diagnosed until later stages, however, death will usually occur within three years of onset.
Back to topFiling for Social Security Disability with Subacute Sclerosis Panencephalitis
If your child has been diagnosed with Subacute Sclerosis Panencephalitis, it can be an overwhelming and emotionally challenging experience. You may be forced to leave the workforce in order to care for the needs of your child. In many cases, Social Security Disability benefits can help offset some of the financial stress caused by this situation.
Subacute Sclerosis Panencephalitis is one of the 88 conditions that qualify an applicant for disability claim processing under the SSA's Compassionate Allowances guidelines. This means that your child may be approved for disability benefits in just a few short weeks instead of having to wait months or years to complete the standard disability claim procedures.
When you file your child's disability application, make sure you answer all questions thoroughly and with much detail as possible. Simple one-word answers should be avoided. Take care when completing the claim forms since improperly completed claim forms are one of the leading reasons that applicants are denied Social Security Disability benefits. Also include copies of your child's medical records to help support your Social Security Disability claim.
Back to topYour Subacute Sclerosis Panencephalitis Social Security Disability Case
Do not make the mistake of assuming that your child's disability claim will be automatically approved because his or her condition falls under the Compassionate Allowances listings. While it does not happen often, the SSA has been known to deny Compassionate Allowances applications. Usually this is due to improperly completed disability application forms or a lack of sufficient medical evidence.
If you want the best possible chance of obtaining your child's benefits quickly under the Compassionate Allowances guidelines, you may want to hire the services of a qualified Social Security attorney or disability advocate. These professionals can assist you in the preparation of your disability claim and will help you gather the medical evidence needed to prove your child's disability to the Social Security Administration.
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