Millions of Social Security Disability applications are received by the Social Security Administration each year. Of these applications, a mere 30 percent will be approved during the initial stage of the disability application process. The remaining 70 percent of applicants will be denied disability benefits, and those applicants will have to endure the lengthy and complex disability appeal process in order to obtain the benefits to which they may rightfully be entitled. Frustratingly, appealing the SSA's decision to deny a disability claim is a process that can take some applicants more than two years to complete.
Fortunately, in cases when a disability claimant’s condition is so severe that the individual could not realistically wait years, or even months, for benefits to begin, the SSA's Compassionate Allowances program may be able to expedite the process. In 2008 the Social Security Administration introduced the Compassionate Allowances guidelines, allowing some Social Security Disability applicants to be awarded benefits in just a few weeks instead of waiting months or years. Those who have been diagnosed with salivary tumors are among the claimants who can obtain faster approval of monthly disability payments under the SSA's Compassionate Allowances guidelines.
If you have been diagnosed with salivary tumors and are wondering how your condition will affect your eligibility for Social Security Disability benefits, the following information will shed light on the disability application process and will offer advice as to how you can increase your chances of being quickly approved for disability benefits under the Compassionate Allowances guidelines.
Back to topSalivary Tumors - Condition and Symptoms
Salivary gland tumors are very rare. They account for only 3 percent of all tumors diagnosed in the United States. Unfortunately, when these tumors are malignant they tend to grow rapidly and quickly metastasize to other areas of the body.
Most salivary tumors develop in parotid glands, which are located in front of the ears. In fact, parotid gland tumors account for nearly 80 percent of all salivary tumors diagnosed. The remaining 20 percent of salivary gland tumors usually develop under the jawbone, next to the tongue or in the lining of the throat and mouth.
The exact causes of salivary tumors are unknown, but there are certain risk factors that can increase your chances of developing the condition. Radiation exposure, a family history of salivary gland cancer, tobacco and alcohol use, and potentially even cell phone use may all increase an individual's chances of developing this type of cancer.
While the symptoms of salivary tumors vary from individual to individual, common symptoms include a lump in the cheek, ear, jaw, lip or inner mouth, fluid draining from the air, difficulty swallowing, trouble opening the mouth, weakness in the face, or facial numbness or pain. When a tumor of this type is diagnosed, it is usually treated through surgical removal. In some cases, chemotherapy and radiation therapy may also be needed. The success of treatment will be depend on the stage of the cancer, how far it has spread, and the patient's overall health.
Back to topFiling for Social Security Disability with Salivary Tumors
When you are diagnosed with salivary tumors it can be an overwhelming and frightening experience. The symptoms of the condition and the effects of the necessary treatment will often result in an individual being unable to work. Fortunately, Social Security Disability benefits may be able to help.
When filing a claim for Social Security Disability benefits due to a diagnosis of salivary tumors you will need to properly complete the disability claim forms. This means making sure all forms are filled out thoroughly, and that complete answers are given for all of the questions asked on the disability application.
When filing your disability application, be sure you submit a complete copy of your medical records along with the disability claim form. Medical treatment records, lab results, and written statements from your treating physicians will help support your claim for Social Security Disability benefits.
Back to topYour Salivary Tumors Social Security Disability Case
Many Social Security Disability applicants assume that their disability claims will be automatically approved by the Social Security Administration if their claim is being filed based on a Compassionate Allowances listing, but this is not necessarily the case. While the Social Security Administration is unlikely to deny claims based on Compassionate Allowances listings, it has been known to happen.
Although Compassionate Allowances disability claims are given higher priority during the disability application and appeal process, you should still do everything you can to ensure that your claim is approved at the initial stage. The services of a qualified Social Security lawyer or disability advocate can help. These professionals will work with you to prepare and submit your disability claim, increasing your chances of receiving an approval during the initial application stage and assuring that the adjudicator reviewing your file understands how your condition qualifies under the Compassionate Allowances listings.
To learn more about the Social Security Compassionate Allowance listings, or to find out if you qualify for Social Security Disability benefits due to a case of salivary tumors, request a free disability case evaluation today.
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