I received notification on the 22nd, that i had won my Adjudication and Review. The Decision was "Fully Favorable".
How long now is the "average" wait period for payments to begin? Any help on this will greatly be appreciated.
I received notification on the 22nd, that i had won my Adjudication and Review. The Decision was "Fully Favorable".
How long now is the "average" wait period for payments to begin? Any help on this will greatly be appreciated.
In reply to Hello, I had my hearing by Susan (not verified)
Hi Susan,
It will often take four months to receive your benefits after your decision, so I wouldn't be too worried about it.
In reply to Hi Susan, by Deanna
Thank you!
I won my disability in ALJ court who gets notified first my Atty or me.
In reply to I won my disability in ALJ by Robert Colletti (not verified)
Hi Robert,
Congrats! That's a great question, I can't say for sure. You may want to ask your attorney about that.
how long does it take to get a hearing date?
In reply to how long does it take to get by johnny (not verified)
Hi Johnny,
I can't say for sure. Every case is different so there is no black and white answer. Best of luck!
How long did it take to receive your hearing date with the judge? I have been waiting since July 2017.
I was denied SS Disability in July, hired a lawyer in August to appeal, and received my first check in September. They did not give me back pay so my lawyer has appealed that decision in November. In December we submitted the documentation that we want to go in front of a judge. How long should it take to get a court date from this point on? I’m also thinking about asking for “dire need” because we are getting ready to lose our home to back property taxes because I was unable to work and keep up with bills.
I won my case on Feb 22. 2018 how soon will I receive my benefits
In reply to I won my case on Feb 22. 2018 by Anonymous (not verified)
Congrats! I can't say for sure. Every case is different so there is no black and white answer. Best of luck!
I won my social security. But I won't get my first check for another 3 months. How can I get money early to help pay for bills?
In reply to I won my social security. But by Victor Stone (not verified)
Hey Victor,
You may be able to get expedited payments. https://www.ssa.gov/ssi/text-expedite-ussi.htm
My SSI hearing I was awarded a favorable decision how do I figure out how much money I receive
In reply to My SSI hearing I was awarded by Jim (not verified)
Hi Jim,
That's great! You will have to contact the SSA to find out how much you will be receiving.
I have fighting for my disability for 2.4 years. I went to my hearing with the VE and ALJ. The VE said there is no job I can perform. I basically won the hearing. How long until I get formal paperwork?
In reply to I have fighting for my by Margaux (not verified)
Hi There,
Congrats on winning your case! I can't say for sure when exactly, but I would recommend to be proactive in checking the status of your account.
My brother had his hearing last month and received a letter from ssi stating they will deal directly with his lawyer what does it mean
In reply to My brother had his hearing by Jeannie (not verified)
Hi Jeannie,
Social Security attorney are notified by the SSA before the claimants regarding if they were approved or denied.
During my hearing the 'VE said I wasn't hirable for the 3 jobs they listed after the ALK asked her hypothetical questions. It's been 1 month the ALJ said he was behind 60 days. I called today said no decision made yet. Is that normal?
In reply to During my hearing the ' by Sarah (not verified)
Hi Sarah,
ALJ offices are usually backlogged, it really prolongs the process. Wishing you nothing but the best.
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