The Social Security Administration (SSA) will pay monthly benefits to you if you are a qualifying worker whose injury prevents you from engaging in an activity in which you can earn at least $1,550 per month. There are three distinctions that the government uses to determine your eligibility to receive social security disability in Pomona: you must be an insured disabled worker under the age of 65; or you are someone who became disabled before age 22 and who is a dependent of a deceased insured parent or a parent entitled to title II disability or retirement benefits; or you are a disabled widow or widower age 50-60 if the deceased spouse was insured under Social Security.
The Social Security Administration (SSA) will render a decision in your Pomona SSD case based on both medical and non-medical documentation. Non-medical information includes reviewing your income and earned work credits, as well as your living arrangements (living arrangements affect the amount of the benefit received and the source from which the benefit is distributed), age, education and skill set. Once the SSA is done reviewing your non-medical information, your file will be sent to the California Disability Determination Services (DDS) for a medical review.
At the end of 2011, only 31% of the initial social security disability claims filed in the state of California were actually awarded. If your initial Pomona social security disability claim is denied, you can appeal the decision and ask the SSA to reconsider your case. Currently, less than 12% of appeals are awarded. If your appeal is denied, you can ask to have your Pomona social security disability case sent before an administrative law judge (ALJ) at the Orange hearing office. At the hearing level, 37.9% of disability cases that are heard by an ALJ are awarded.
Back to topPomona Health Resources
An important thing to consider in pursuing your Pomona social security disability case is your medical history. The DDS uses the information in your medical file to rule on your disability case and pre-determine the length of time you are expected to receive benefits if you qualify for SSD in Pomona. If you are uninsured or underinsured, there are free and reduced-cost health care facilities in the Pomona area that would be of service to you.
East Valley Community Health Center Inc
680 Fairplex Drive
Pomona, CA 91768
(909) 620-8088
Pomona Clinic Coalition
1770 N.l Orange Grove Avenue
Pomona, CA 91767
(909) 469-9494
Pomona Health Center
750 South Park Avenue
Pomona, CA 91766
(909) 868-0235
Pomona Area Mental Health Resources
If you are battling with a mental illness that keeps you from engaging in gainful employment, you may qualify for social security disability in Pomona. Seek treatment from a licensed mental health professional in the Pomona area.
Landmark Medical Center
2030 North Garey Avenue
Pomona, CA 91767
(909) 593-2585
Lanterman Development Center
3530 West Pomona Boulevard
Pomona, CA 91768
(909) 595-1221
Pacific Clinics
790 East Bonita Avenue
Pomona, CA 91767
(909) 625-7207
Pomona Supplemental Social Security Benefits
The Federal social security disability benefit for an independent individual is $943 and $1,415 for a couple. California pays supplemental benefits to individuals who qualify for social security disability.
Back to topWhen to Find a Pomona Social Security Disability Attorney
Even after you have submitted your application and undergone medical treatment to support your Pomona social security disability claim, the determination process – from application to award - will still take months to complete. It may be in your best interest to hire a Pomona social security disability attorney to represent you. California disability attorneys will often provide free initial consultations and typically don’t charge you a fee unless they win your case. If your attorney wins, a standard fee of 25% of your award is collected from past due benefits or through a fee petition. The maximum an attorney can collect for representing you in your Pomona social security disability case is $6,000. If you are interested in obtaining an evaluation of your Social Security Disability case, click the "Free Disability Evaluation" link at the top of the page for your free case evaluation or to get more information about hiring a Pomona disability attorney.
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