Disabled workers in Plano, TX, often choose to apply for Social Security disability benefits. The first step in doing so is to contact your local Plano Social Security office, or call the Social Security Administration (SSA), to complete an application for disability benefits. After you apply, your file will be sent to the Texas Department of Disability Determination Services, (DDS). Here, a claims examiner and a medical expert will review the evidence in your claim file and will determine whether or not you’re eligible for disability benefits. It takes an average of 3-4 months for this decision to be made, and unfortunately, around 70% of disability applicants are denied. If your Social Security disability application is denied, there are means available to appeal the decision. The highest number of Plano disability claims are approved after the second appeal, when the disability hearing takes place at a Texas Social Security office. Around 65% of claimants are awarded benefits following their hearings. However, the wait to have a Social Security hearing could be more than two years.
Back to topPlano Health Resources
The most important part of your Social Security disability claim file are your medical records. The claims adjudicator who is reviewing your case will want to see objective medical evidence of your disability and how it affects your capacity to work. So if you’re applying for disability in Plano, it’s important to obtain regular medical treatment. If you’ve having trouble affording the healthcare you need, contact one of the Plano medical care resources listed below.
Collin County Adult Clinic
2520 Ave K, Suite #100
Plano, TX 75074
(972) 423-4941
Trinity Family Health Care
900 E Park Blvd # 280
Plano, TX 75074
(972) 424-7000
Baylor Regional Medical Center at Plano
4700 Alliance Blvd.
Plano, TX 75093
(469) 814-2000
Plano Clinic
(972) 596-6005
1200 Medical Ave., Suite 102
Plano, Texas 75075
Methodist Richardson Medical Center
401 W. Campbell Road
Richardson, TX 75080
(972) 498-4000
Presbyterian Community Medical Center Clinic
900 East Park Boulevard
Plano, TX 75074
(972) 509-4554
Care Now
3821 West Spring Creek Parkway
Plano, TX 75023
(972) 599-0077
Plano Mental Health Resources
Some Plano disability applicants have a mental health condition that affects their ability to work. If this is the case, it’s important to also obtain psychiatric treatment. For assistance finding a mental health provider in Plano, Texas, contact Health Services of North Texas at (800) 339-2437.
Back to topPlano Supplemental Disability Benefits
If you are approved for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) in Texas, and reside in a nursing or adult care facility, you are eligible for an additional $60 per month payment from the state of Texas.
Those receiving SSI or Social Security disability payments in Plano, Texas, could be eligible for healthcare assistance through the Texas Medicaid program. The easiest way to obtain further information is to call 2-1-1. This hotline also provides information about other Texas public assistance benefits.
Back to topYour Plano Social Security Disability Claim
The Social Security disability application and appeals process can be long and stressful. Sometimes, even having the appropriate medical records isn’t enough, and you may have your claim denied. One way to decrease the chances of this happening is to hire a qualified Plano disability attorney. A Plano Social Security disability lawyer can assist you with your application, file any necessary appeals on your behalf, and answer your questions. Retaining the services of a skilled Plano Social Security attorney costs nothing upfront, and can be of great benefit to your claim.
Texas disability attorneys are paid on a contingent fee basis. This means that they only receive a fee if your benefits are awarded. If this happens, they’ll be paid 25% of the retroactive benefits that you are due, up to a maximum of $6,000.
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