Milwaukee Social Security Disability Resources

When applying for Social Security Disability in Wisconsin, it is going to be vital that you have full medical documentation of your disability and its effect on your work. The reason being is that the SSA needs to determine that your disabling condition prevents you from doing any kind of meaningful or gainful work activity. If you are going to pursue the the application process yourself, you will want to make sure that you have all of the medical records that your doctor can provide. However, if you have not been able to afford medical insurance or doctor visitrs, consider these resources that are at your disposal in the Milkwaukee area.

For starters, you can contact the Social Security Administration office in Milwaukee with any questions you may have, as well as for copies of the necessary forms.

SSA Office of Disability Adjudication and Review
310 West Wisconsin Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53203
(414) 297-3141

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Milwaukee Health Resources

If you find yourself out of work due to your disabling condition, and all of a sudden, out of money. Without money or insurance, it can be near impossible to afford the medical treatment that you may require. However, due to the good will of many community outreach programs, Milwaukee as much to offer to assists. The following locations may be able to help you with your treatment, as well as giving you the proper documents regarding the severity of your condition for your Social Security application.

Angel of Hope 
209 W Orchard St.
Milwaukee, WI 53204 
(414) 385-5394

City on a Hill
2224 W Kilbourn Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53233
(414) 931-6670

Gerald L. Ignace Indian Health Center
1711 S. 11th St.
Milwaukee, WI 53204
(414) 383-9526

Family House Clinic
3300 N 11th St.
Milwaukee, WI 53206
(414) 374-8890

Greater Milwaukee Free Clinic, Inc.
9330 W Lincoln Ave.
West Allis, WI 53227
(414) 546-3733

Hillside Family Health Center 
1452 N 7th St. 
Milwaukee, WI 53205
(414) 935-8000 ext 700

Health Care For The Homeless
711 W Capitol Dr.
Milwaukee, WI 53206 
(414) 374-2400

Isaac Coggs Health Connection 
2770 N 5th St.
Milwaukee, WI 53212 
(414) 286-8882

House of Peace Community Center
1702 Walnut St.
Milwaukee, WI 53205
(414) 933-1300

Marquette Clinic For Women And Children 
1216 N 13th St.
Milwaukee, WI 53205
(414) 345-3250

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Milwaukee Mental Health Resources

Psychiatric conditions can be just as debilitating as physical conditions, often resulting in the need to leave an occupation. If you need assistance with your mental condition and cannot afford medical attention, consider Mental Health America of Wisconsin as an option. They can be contacted here:

Mental Health America of Wisconsin
600 W. Virginia St., Suite 502
Milwaukee, WI 53204
(414) 276-3122

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Milwaukee Supplementary Disability Benefits

If you live in Milwaukee and already are receiving Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Income benefits. To know about your eligibility, you should contact the Milwaukee Social Security office to obtain the proper documents for these supplementary benefit programs.

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Your Milwaukee Social Security Disability Claim

If you feel overwhelmed with the application process, or your application for disability benefits have been denied, there are options at your disposal to help you. Consider the assistance of a Milwaukee Social Security Attorney, as they will be able to make sure that all of your records are in order for your application. Additionally, a Milwaukee disability advocate or attorney may be able to connect you to a local health center where they have a pre-existing relationship with the personnel.

Click the following link If you would like to speak to a Milwaukee Social Security Disability lawyer about your case.

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