Louisville Social Security Disability Resources

In applying for Social Security Disability benefits in Louisville, KY, it’s typical to see several months pass before a final determination on your eligibility is made. The initial application may take up to four months to go through review and the majority of claims (65%) are denied at this stage.

You may request your application be reviewed again, but the success rate for approval is not much higher the second time around. The final stage in the review process is to appeal, which will send your application in front of an Administrative Law Judge. You should anticipate a year or more before your claim goes through the entire process, including all reviews and appeals.

The Social Security Administration (SSA) guidelines for SSD require individuals to be unable to work due to long-term or permanent disability for a year or more before applying for benefits. To submit an application for Louisville disability benefits, you may call the SSA at (800) 772-1213, or contact your local SSA office to schedule an appointment to complete the application onsite. If you need assistance finding your local Kentucky SSA office, you can call the main SSA phone line, or use the online SSA Office Locator.

Some applicants for Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Income also use the online forms made available on the SSA’s website.

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Louisville Health Resources

You’ll submit your Louisville SSD application to your local office where it will be reviewed for completeness. After the staff at the local office ensures all appropriate documentation is present, your application will be sent on to the Louisville Disability Determination Services office where all medical documentation of your disability will be reviewed for eligibility under SSA guidelines.

To support your claim, you must show you’ve received regular and ongoing medical care for the condition(s) responsible for your disability. Affording healthcare with limited income can be difficult. Here are a few Louisville disability resources for low cost and free healthcare services.

Park DuValle Community Health Center - at City View
1015 W Chestnut St.
Louisville, KY 40203

Park DuValle Community Health Center - Wilson
3015 Wilson Ave.
Louisville, KY 40211

Family Health Center - Broadway
914 E Broadway St.
Louisville, KY 40204

Family Health Center - Portland
2215 Portland Ave.
Louisville, KY 40212

Jewish Hospital & St. Mary's HealthCare
200 Abraham Flexner Way
Louisville, KY 40202

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Louisville Mental Health Resources

Many people are disabled by a mental or psychological condition. For others, these kinds of conditions may play a role in their physical disability. In either case, you must include substantiating documentation in your SSD application showing ongoing medical care for mental health services. Here are a few of the Louisville disability resources for low cost and free mental health providers.

Seven Counties Services
600 S Preston St.
Louisville, KY 40202

Seven Counties Services
1220 Bardstown Road
Louisville, KY 40204

Seven Counties Services
914 E Broadway St.
Louisville, KY 40204

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Louisville Supplemental Security Benefits

Those who receive Louisville disability benefits are sometimes eligible for other benefits as well, like Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Medicaid and Medicare. SSI is most often issued to those who need residential care or other similar services. Medicaid and Medicare pay medical-related expenses. To learn more about SSI, contact the Louisville SSA District Office at:

Social Security Administration
601 West Broadway, Room 101
Louisville, KY 40202

To discover more about Medicaid and Medicare, contact:

Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services
275 E Main St.
Frankfort, KY  40621

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Your Louisville Social Security Disability Claim

Having the proper medical documentation in your application for Louisville disability benefits will increase the likelihood that you’re approved. However, even with the best documentation, there is no guarantee you’ll receive benefits. A Louisville Social Security lawyer can increase the possibility of receiving benefits by thoroughly reviewing your claim, walking you through the application and review processes, and arguing your appeal with the Administrative Law Judge.

Being disabled, you have limited income and may be concerned about paying for legal services. A Louisville Social Security attorney does not charge any upfront fees for their services. In fact, an attorney is not paid unless your claim is approved and you receive retroactive benefit payments, at which stage the Louisville Social Security lawyer will receive 25% (up to a maximum of $6,000) of the retroactive payments.

If you are interested in obtaining an evaluation of your Social Security Disability case, click the "Free Disability Evaluation" link at the top of the page for your free case evaluation or to get more information about hiring a Louisville disability attorney.

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