In Laredo, social security disability benefits are paid to eligible workers who have either become permanently disabled or are living with a disability that prohibits them from working for at least 12 months. Qualifying for social security disability in Laredo is time-intensive. It’s recommended that you seek medical attention as soon as you are injured so that your medical condition can be properly documented. You can apply for benefits at your local Social Security Administration (SSA) field office. You can also find information and social security disability resources for Laredo, TX.
Once your application is received, the local SSA field office will forward your file to the Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) where a review team at the Division for Disability Services (DDS) will assess your file and render a decision on your Laredo social security disability case using the information you provide to them and your medical records. If there is enough information in your medical records to support your disability claim, the DDS may recommend to the Social Security Administration that your claim is approved. It is important to see a doctor regularly because If there is not sufficient medical evidence to support your disability claim, your claim may be denied. You will have 60 days from the date you received your decision letter to appeal. If your appeal is also denied, your may request that your case go before an administration law judge (ALJ). At the hearing level, Laredo social security disability claims within Rio Grande Valley region are awarded 52% of the time.
Back to topLaredo Health Resources
The DDS is responsible for determining the validity of new Laredo social security disability cases. The decision is based on the findings in your medical file. So it is important that you are under the regular care of a physician who is actively treating your disability. If you are not currently seeing a physician for your disability or you do not have medical coverage, there are free and reduced-cost health care facilities in Laredo that would be of service to you.
2391 Island Avenue
San Diego, CA 92102
(619) 515-2435
3519 Cecilia Ln.
Laredo, Texas 78046-7994
2007 S. Zapata Hwy
Laredo, TX 78046-6510
1515 Pappas St.
Laredo, TX 78041-1705
Laredo Area Mental Health Resources
If you are suffering from a mental illness that prohibits you from being able to get and keep gainful employment, you may also qualify for social security disability in Laredo. The facilities listed below will connect you with qualified mental health professionals who can be of assistance.
1500 Pappas Street
Laredo, TX 78041
(956) 794-3000
1908 Clark Boulevard
Laredo, TX 78043
(956) 796-1313
Laredo Supplemental Social Security Benefits
The Federal social security disability benefit for an independent individual is $943 and $1,415 for a couple. Individuals who receive payments for social security disability in Laredo for at least two years automatically qualify for Medicare. For individuals with disabilities that are expected to improve, their cases will usually come up for review within 6 to 12 months. Cases for individuals with disabilities that may improve over time will usually come up for review in 3 years. Cases for individuals with permanent disabilities come up for review every 5-7 years.
Back to topWhen to Find a Laredo Social Security Disability Attorney
If you are disabled and unable to earn a living, a lengthy processing time on your Laredo social security disability claim can be financially devastating. Statewide, less than a third of initial social security disability claims are awarded and most people wait until their claim is denied to seek counsel. If you are denied social security disability in Laredo, getting your case finally awarded can take more than a year. It may be in your best interest to hire an experienced Laredo social security disability attorney. Disability attorneys usually provide free consultation and usually don’t charge a fee unless they win your case. If your attorney wins, a standard fee of 25% of your award is collected from past due benefits. The maximum an attorney can collect is $6,000.
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