Glendale Social Security Disability Resources

Social Security Disability is a federally-funded program that provides monthly benefits to eligible workers who have sustained injuries which prevent them from engaging in gainful employment.

Your eligibility to receive benefits begins with a non-medical review conducted by the Social Security Administration (SSA). There are three distinctions that the government uses to determine your eligibility to receive benefits: you must be an insured disabled worker under the age of 65; or you are someone who became disabled before age 22 and who is a dependent of a deceased insured parent or a parent entitled to title II disability or retirement benefits; or you are a disabled widow or widower age 50-60 if the deceased spouse was insured under Social Security. Once your eligibility has been determined, the SSA uses the information contained in your file to make sure that you meet work credit and income requirements before forwarding your case file to the California Disability Determination Services for medical review. The DDS uses information provided by your treating physician to determine if your injury qualifies you to receive Social Security Disability in Glendale.

In the state of California, less than one-third of initial Social Security Disability claims are awarded. If your initial claim is denied, you can ask the SSA to reconsider your case. Statewide, first appeals are won a little more than 10% of the time. However, you can ask that your case be heard by a Social Security Disability administrative law judge (ALJ) at the Pasadena hearing office. At the hearing level, Glendale Social Security Disability claims that are heard by an ALJ are awarded 47.1% of the time.

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Glendale Health Resources

Considering the role your medical records play in determining your eligibility to receive Social Security Disability in Glendale, it is important that you seek medical treatment as soon as you are injured. In reviewing your case, the DDS will assess the medical treatment program prescribed by your doctor to determine if your injury will keep you out of the workforce for at least one year. If you are not under the care of a licensed physician, there are free and reduced-cost health care facilities in the Glendale area that would be of service to you.

Glendale Community Free Health Clinic
134 N. Kenwood Street
Glendale, CA 91206
(818) 245-8109

Tarzana Treatment Center -Antelope Valley
907 West Lancaster Blvd.
Lancaster, CA 93534
(661) 726-2630

Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, Pacoima Health Center
13300 Van Nuys Blvd
Pacoima, CA 91331
(818) 896-1903

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Glendale Area Mental Health Resources

Your mental health is as important as your physical health. If you are battling a mental illness that keeps you from engaging in gainful employment for at least a year, you may qualify for Social Security Disability in Glendale. There are licensed mental health professionals in the Glendale area that may be able to assist you.

MCLA Psychiatric Medical Group
1560 E Chevy Chase Dr # 130
Glendale, CA 91206
(818) 240-0340

NAMI Glendale
1540 Colorado Street
Glendale, CA 91205
(310) 663-3844

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Glendale Supplemental Social Security Benefits

California pays supplemental benefits to individuals who qualify for Social Security Disability. The Federal Social Security Disability benefit for an independent individual is $943 and $1,415 for a couple.

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When to Find a Glendale Social Security Disability Attorney

From start to finish, your Glendale SSD case can last more than a year if you are one of the nearly 70% of workers who are initially denied disability. A lengthy application and review process can wreak havoc on your finances, particularly if you are unable to earn a living. It may be in your best interest to hire a Glendale Social Security Disability attorney to represent you.

California disability attorneys will often provide free initial consultations and typically don’t charge you a fee unless they win your case. If your attorney wins, a standard fee of 25% of your award is collected from past due benefits or through a fee petition. The maximum an attorney can collect for representing you in your Glendale Social Security Disability case is $6,000. If you are interested in obtaining an evaluation of your Social Security Disability case, click the "Free Disability Evaluation" link at the top of the page for your free case evaluation or to get more information about hiring a Glendale disability attorney.

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