Located in the Appalachian Mountains of southern West Virginia lies the city of Bluefield. With over 11,000 residents, 25,000 residents Bluefield prides itself on its close, connected community. When a fellow Bluefield citizen falls ill or injured, the community rallies to help.
When more help is needed, however, there are additional resources available to Bluefield residents. The Bluefield area is home to several health care practitioners who can assist those who have become disabled. For individuals who are unable to work as a result of their health condition, the Social Security Administration (SSA) may also be of assistance. The SSA offers financial aid to those people whose health conditions are so severe that they are unable to earn a living.
Back to topHealth Resources for Individuals Living in Bluefield
Individuals facing a health crisis have many challenges. In addition to the emotional and physical toll that a new health diagnosis takes on a person, there may also be financial challenges. It can be very difficult to hold down a job when you are sick. Even if you are able to work through your discomfort, many employers are less than understanding when it comes to missed work due to doctor’s appointments, medical tests, and treatments.
In an ideal world, all individuals facing a health crisis would be awarded financial assistance so that they could focus on health and recovery. However, due to the increasing number of individuals seeking disability benefits, the SSA must follow strict criteria when it comes to dolling out these federal funds. Those seeking disability benefits will need to submit a thorough application that includes a significant amount of medical evidence.
When evaluating your disability claim, the SSA will review your most recent medical records. They will turn to the documentation of your providing physicians to determine the severity of your illness, as well as your long-term prognosis. As such, it’s vital that you have established a strong working relationship with your doctor.
If you do not have a regular health care provider that you see, here are three healthcare clinics in Bluefield that might be helpful to you:
Bluestone Family Practice
3016 E Cumberland Road,
Bluefield, WV 24701
(304) 800-5923
Bluefield Family Medicine
106 Huffard Drive
Bluefield, VA 24605
(276) 322-3427
Westwood Family Medicine
12 Westwood Medical Park
Bluefield, VA 24605
(276) 322-7548

Applying for Social Security Disability in Bluefield
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits are reserved for individuals who are considered permanently disabled. Only those people who have health conditions that are expected to last for at least 12 months will qualify for disability benefits.
One of the best resources for helping determine whether or not you qualify for SSDI benefits is the Blue Book. The Blue Book is the SSA’s medical guide that lists all of the health conditions that the SSA considers possibly disabling. Also included in the Blue Book is the evidence required to win an award.
There are a couple of ways to apply for Social Security disability benefits. While some claimants choose to submit their application online, others prefer the personalized service that visiting a local Social Security branch can offer. Here are three offices close to the Bluefield area:
Bluefield Social Security Office 24701
3014 E Cumberland Road
Bluefield, West Virginia 24701
(800) 772-1213
Welch Social Security Office 24801
50 McDowell Street
Welch, West Virginia 24801
(800) 772-1213
Mount Hope Social Security Office 25880
45475 Robert C. Byrd Drive, Suite A-8
Mount Hope, West Virginia 25880
(800) 772-1213
Can a Social Security Lawyer Help Me Win My Claim in Bluefield?
While no one wishes to become ill, it is helpful to know that there are resources available when needed. However, those resources do not always come easily. The Social Security disability application process is complicated, filled with many intricate details and deadlines.
Many individuals turn to experienced Social Security lawyers when applying for SSDI benefits. Evidence has shown that applicants who secure the assistance of a qualified attorney are far more successful at winning their claim than those who go-it-alone.
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