Located in central Pennsylvania, the city of Altoona has a rich history. Built specifically for the railroad industry, this vibrant city still serves dozens of trains a day. While many locals are employed by the railroads, not all of the 44,000 Altoona residents are able to work. Unfortunately, some individuals who suffer from severe health conditions are unemployed.
Luckily, Altoona has many resources for residents who are unable to work as a result of a chronic illness or injury. There are several health care facilities and providers in the Altoona area. In addition, the Social Security Administration (SSA) offers financial assistance to qualified permanently disabled individuals.
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Life with a new disability is extremely challenging, even for the most resilient person. While caring for one’s own health, life’s financial responsibilities do not go away. The federal government recognizes this fact and has developed programs to assist those who have become disabled due to a severe health condition. The Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) program is aimed at helping individuals who are no longer able to work.
Not everyone who would benefit from disability benefits will be awarded them, however. In fact, the number of applicants far exceeds the number of those granted benefits. Approximately 30% of Altoona residents who apply for SSDI benefits will be given a disability award during the initial stages of the application process.
To determine which applicants are most in need of an award, the SSA carefully reviews the medical evidence provided with a claimant’s application. The SSA will seek out an applicant’s most recent medical record to get an up-to-date view of the claimant’s health status and prognosis. The SSA relies heavily on the information provided by the primary health provider. Therefore, it is essential that claimants are attending regular appointments with their doctors or specialists.
Altoona is fortunate to have many excellent health care providers in the area. If you are seeking to work with a doctor, here are a few recommended health care practices:
Altoona Community Health Center
1701 12th Avenue
Altoona, PA 16601
(814) 942-9600
Altoona Family Physicians
501 Howard Ave, F2
Altoona, PA 16601
(814) 889-2701
UPMC Altoona Physicians
620 Howard Ave
Altoona, PA 16601
(814) 889-2011

Applying for Social Security Disability in Altoona
If you have a health condition that prohibits you from working, it is possible that you might be entitled to disability benefits through the SSA. It’s important to note, however, that SSDI benefits are reserved for individuals who are permanently disabled. To be considered for an award, your doctor must confirm that the symptoms of your health condition are expected to last for at least 12 months.
Individuals who are unable to work for a year must also meet precise health criteria as outlined in the Blue Book. The SSA refers to the Blue Book to determine which illnesses are severe enough to potentially warrant a disability award.
There are several ways to apply for disability benefits. While many claimants find that completing an application online is the easiest, some individuals prefer to seek assistance in person. Listed below are three Social Security offices central to the Altoona area.
Mount Hope Social Security Office 16602
303 Cayuga Ave
Altoona, Pennsylvania 16602
(800) 772-1213
State College Social Security Office 16801
901 University Drive, Suite 2
State College, Pennsylvania 16801
(800) 772-1213
Kittanning Social Security Office 16201
159 Butler Road
Kittanning, Pennsylvania 16201
(800) 772-1213
Can a Social Security Lawyer Help Me Win My Claim in Altoona?
Applying for Social Security disability benefits is not easy. In fact, the majority of Altoona claimants are denied on their first attempt to earn financial assistance. While it may feel discouraging to be told that you do not deserve help, there are ways to enhance your chances of a win.
The chances of getting awarded disability benefits are greatly enhanced with the help of a skilled disability attorney. By hiring a lawyer, your application has a much better chance of being complete, as your counsel will be able to tell you what evidence you might be missing. Further, your lawyer will be able to help you navigate the tricky appeals process if it comes to that. Claimants who are represented by attorneys often have success in earning the benefits that they so rightly deserve.
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