Missouri City Social Security Attorney or Advocate

By the time 2011 has reached its end the Social Security Administration will have received more than 3 million applicants for Social Security Disability benefits this year alone. Of all of the applications that the Social Security Administration receives, approximately 30 percent are approved during the initial stage of the disability claim process. What happens to the remaining 70 percent of disability applications that are not approved? The applicants who are denied Social Security Disability benefits must pursue the Social Security Disability appeal process if they hope to obtain the benefits they so desperately need.

If you are applying for Social Security Disability benefits in the area of Missouri City, Texas, then you need to consider hiring a Missouri City Social Security Disability attorney. Working with a Missouri City Social Security Disability lawyer will increase your chances of receiving the disability benefits you may be entitled to.

To speak with a local disability attorney or advocate, fill out a free disability review today.

Over the years Missouri City has experienced significant economic growth. The city was renovated by Fondren Park near US 90A during the early 60s. Then, in the late 60s, Quail Valley and Cartwright road received their makeovers. The city’s residential areas consist mainly of single-family homes due to strict zoning ordinances. While the farming of cotton used to play a significant role in the city’s economy, an upscale master-planned residential development has taken over where these crops were once grown.

There are approximately 53,000 Texas residents who call Missouri City home. In the State of Texas, approximately 510,000 individuals receive Social Security Disability benefits. While Social Security Disability benefits can help offset some of the financial burden caused by a long-term or permanent disability, it is important to note that it can take Missouri City residents more than a year to receive Social Security Disability benefits from the Social Security Administration.

It takes 18 to 24 months for disability applications to be processed in Texas. This is largely due to the fact that most applicants must go through the lengthy appeal process before they are awarded Social Security Disability benefits by the Social Security Administration. Hiring a Missouri City Social Security Disability lawyer can increase your chances of being approved during the initial stage of the application process or, if necessary, filing a successful disability appeal.

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Applying for Missouri City Social Security Disability Benefits

Many applicants find that the Social Security Disability application process is stressful, overwhelming and complicated. If you do not provide the Social Security Administration with enough medical evidence to support your claim or if you do not submit your information properly, your request for disability benefits will likely be denied. This is one of the many reasons that initial applications are denied. To increase your chances of receiving a favorable decision from the Social Security Administration, you should have a Missouri City Social Security lawyer assist you with the application process.

Your attorney can help you gather the necessary medical evidence and other documentation that you will need and will aid you in presenting your application in the best possible light to the adjudicator who will be reviewing your claim. If, for some reason, your application for disability benefits is still denied, your Missouri City Social Security lawyer can represent you during the lengthy and complex process of a disability appeal.

Almost every applicant who is denied Social Security Disability benefits must attend a disability hearing at the Houston ODAR office in order to obtain benefits from the Social Security Administration. Hearings are conducted by an administrative law judge. This judge will review the evidence surrounding your disability case and will either award your benefits or deny your case depending on how your case has been presented. It is very important to have proper legal representation at this hearing if you want the best chance of receiving a favorable decision regarding your disability claim. Statistics show that applicants who have legal representation during their hearing are more likely to be awarded benefits than applicants who represent themselves.

For more on disability benefits in Texas, see our page on How To Qualify For Disability Benefits In Texas.

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Hiring a Missouri City Disability Attorney

If you have already filed an application for disability benefits and have been denied by the Social Security Administration, contact a Missouri City disability attorney as soon as possible to discuss your disability case. You only have 60 days from the date you receive notice that the SSA has denied your claim to appeal the decision.

Your attorney should file your appeal as soon as possible. The sooner your disability appeal is filed, the sooner you will be able to obtain a hearing before an administrative law judge. Fortunately, nearly two-thirds of applicants go on to receive a favorable decision at the hearing level of the disability appeal process. This chance of success, however, can be significantly affected if you do not have proper legal representation.

If you are worried that you cannot afford a Missouri City disability lawyer, you will be happy to know that these legal professionals work on a contingency basis. Your lawyer will receive either 25-percent of the back pay that you receive from the Social Security Administration or $6,000 (whichever is less). If you do not win your disability case, your lawyer will not be paid. For this reason you can be sure that your lawyer will work as hard as possible to win your case for you.

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