Arlington Heights Social Security Attorney or Advocate

The village of Arlington Heights is flourishing, with more than 800 individual members and 500 business members registered with the Chamber of Commerce. The communications, entertainment, health and education sectors all play an important role in the economic well-being of the village.

Some of the top employers in Arlington Heights include the Arlington Park horse racing facilities, Northwest Community Hospital, Level 3 Communications, Alexian Brothers Health System and Township High School District 214. The median household income for Arlington Heights is approximately $69,000 while the cost of living index is comes in at 12 percent higher than the national average.

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Applying for Arlington Heights Social Security Disability Benefits

Millions of people file for Social Security Disability benefits each and every year. According to statistics, approximately 70 percent of the people who file disability claims with the Social Security Administration are denied their benefits during the initial stage of the application process. These applicants must then go on to file a disability appeal – a process that can take more than two years to complete.

To speak with a local disability attorney or advocate, fill out a free disability review today.

Each and every year the Social Security Administration receives millions of claims for Social Security Disability benefits. Unfortunately, nearly seventy percent of these claims are denied by the SSA during the initial stage of the application process. Some statistics have indicated that approval rates are even lower in the State of Illinois than they are in most parts of the nation.

One year it was even estimated that nearly 85 percent of the Social Security Disability claims that were filed in Illinois were denied during the initial stage of the application process. In light of these facts, disabled individuals in Arlington Heights should consider the services of an Arlington Heights Social Security Disability lawyer if they hope to improve their chances for a successful Social Security Disability claim.

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Hiring an Arlington Heights Disability Attorney

If you are in need of Social Security Disability benefits in the Arlington Heights area and you are thinking about applying for Social Security Disability benefits, you should consult with an Arlington Heights Social Security Disability attorney as soon as possible prior to filing your disability claim (or immediately after receiving notice of a denial of your benefits).

If an individual wants to qualify for Social Security Disability benefits through the Social Security Administration, that person must suffer from a disability that prevents them from performing any type of work activity for a period of at least twelve months. However, it is on the shoulders of the disability applicant to prove that they are disabled according to the SSA’s published guidelines. Fortunately, the services of a Arlington Heights Social Security attorney can help an individual accomplish this feat.

While the majority of disability applicants will wait until an initial claim for disability benefits has been denied before they retain the services of a disability lawyer, this isn't always the best way to approach a disability claim. A denied disability claim will put in you the SSA’s land of appeals, which can take two years to navigate. Hiring an Arlington Heights Social Security lawyer to help you with your initial disability claim can increase your chances of an approval of your initial disability application, thereby helping you avoid the need for a long and complicated disability appeal.

An Arlington Heights disability attorney can help you file your application for Social Security Disability benefits, ensuring that you have everything that you need in order to prove your disabling condition to the Social Security Administration. If, for some reason, your initial claim for benefits is denied, the services of an Arlington Heights Social Security lawyer can increase your chances of successfully appealing the SSA's decision to deny the disability benefits to which you may be entitled.

If your initial disability claim is denied by the Social Security Administration, you will likely need to attend a disability hearing. Although there is a stage of appeals prior to a disability hearing (referred to as a Request for Reconsideration, fewer than 15 percent of these requests are awarded by the Social Security Administration. On the other hand, nearly two-thirds of disability appeals are won at the hearing stage of the disability appeal process.

Unfortunately it will take quite some time for a disability hearing to be scheduled for an Arlington Heights disability applicant. The office in charge of scheduling disability hearings for Arlington Heights Social Security Disability applicants is located in the City of Orland Park. It takes this office an average of 634 days to schedule a disability hearing. This time frame does not count the time that it takes to complete the initial application process and the request for reconsideration. It then takes another 60 to 90 days from the date that the hearing is completed for an applicant to discover whether or not the judge overseeing the hearing decided in the applicant’s favor.

Your chances of a successful Social Security Disability hearing are greatly increased if you retain the services of an Arlington Heights Social Security Disability attorney. Your Arlington Heights disability lawyer can help prepare you for your Social Security Disability hearing and will help you understand what you should do to increase your chances of a successful appeal and what you should expect during the hearing process.

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