Albuquerque Social Security Attorney or Advocate

Albuquerque (Bernalillo County) disability attorneys are available to help disabled workers file for social security disability (SSD) benefits. SSD benefits are meant for individuals who are expected to be out of work for at least a year due to a long term disability. Currently, there are 5,570 pending cases at the Albuquerque Hearing office and the wait time is 395 days. As of December 2011, there were 18,690 individuals receiving SSDI benefits and 16,367 individuals receiving SSI benefits in Bernalillo County.

The Differences between SSI and SSDI>>>

Albuquerque residents, who do not feel comfortable applying for disability online, can visit one of the local SSA offices listed below:

4300 Cutler NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110
Telephone: 1-800-772-1213

4433 Jager Dr NE
Rio Rancho, NM 87144
Telephone: 1-866-530-7834

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Hiring an Albuquerque Disability Attorney

Most claimants find the disability application process to be rather confusing and draw-out. You can avoid making any mistakes on your application, by hiring an Albuquerque disability attorney to help you with your claim.

More information on the benefits on hiring an attorney>>>

An Alburquerque Social Security Disability lawyer will also handle disability claims in the following cities located in Bernalilo County, Valencia County, Torrance County, Santa Fe County, Sandoval County, Cibola County: Corales, Rio Rancho, Carnuel, Tijeras, Edgewood, Moriarty, Basque Farms, Peralrta, Grants, and Santa Fe.

Listed below is the local bar association in Albuquerque that can be contacted with questions about hiring an attorney:

State Bar of New Mexico
5121 Masthead NE
Albuquerque, NM 87109

To speak with a local disability attorney or advocate, fill out a free disability review today.

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Albuquerque Disability Hearings

If your claim is denied at both the initial application and reconsideration stage, then you will have to request for a hearing with the Albuquerque Office of Disability Adjudication and Review (ODAR). Listed below are the judges in charge of this office and their respective approval rates on claims:

ALJ Name Approval Rate
Ballengee, Ben 45.90%
Burke, James A. 79.75%
Farris, Ann 39.94%
Gerstner, Cole 33.07%
Grontis, Stephen 34.73%
Holappa, Jeffrey N. 2.67%
Leppala, Michael 29.08%
Lindsay, Michelle K. 55.16%
Pardo, Raul C. 52.11%
Richter, Lillian 38.10%
Upshall, Jr., Frederick 51.04%
Weiss, Eric 41.38%

*Data from


Albuquerque disability attorneys will have a lot experience attending hearings at the Albuquerque ODAR office. That information could prove to be extremely valuable when you are preparing for your hearing.


If you are going through an extremely difficult financial or medical situation, it is possible to have the hearing process speed up. You should contact your local congressman to see if he or she would be able to contact the ODAR on your behalf. The congressman for the Albuquerque area is located at:

3211 Coors Blvd SW
Albuquerque, NM 87121
Phone: 505-877-4069

Fill out the free evaluation form on this page to speak with an Albuquerque disability attorney or advocate.

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Additional Resources

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Find Out If I Qualify for Benefits!