As a disease that affects men, prostate cancer goes through several stages before it becomes a major burden for someone trying to work a full-time job. In fact, the Blue Book issued by the Social Security Administration (SSA) covers prostate cancer when the disease has advanced into the later stages or it has returned after a period of dormancy. With the Blue Book acting as the primary guidelines for establishing benefits eligibility, it appears many workers afflicted with prostate cancer have nowhere to run for financial help when the often crippling diseases rears its ugly head.
However, the SSA offers workers what is referred to as an additional chance to receive benefits through a test called the Residual Functional Capacity (RFC) assessment. Unfortunately, not many workers suffering from prostate cancer know about the RFC.
Back to topWhy an RFC Matters
The SSA uploads a revised edition of the Blue Book every year online, with the print edition remaining the same since 2008. Inside the Blue Book, there is an extensive list of medical conditions that qualify American citizens and legal residents for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. The Blue Book also sets the standard for the severity of symptoms required for the eligible diseases. For example, prostate cancer patients must have entered the most advanced stage of the disease to qualify for SSDI benefits.
If you have received a prostate cancer diagnosis that does not qualify you for SSDI benefits, an RFC assessment is another way to demonstrate how the disease negatively impacts your job performance. For example, even an early stage prostate cancer diagnosis can make it hard for you to stand on your feet at a construction site for multiple consecutive hours at a time, or hold a power drill because your body feels incredibly weak.
Back to topSubmit a Convincing RDF Form
For analyzing an RFC form, the SSA assigns a team of healthcare professionals that have keen insight into the ramifications of working with prostate cancer. Your RFC form has to include medical evidence not only of the presence of the disease, but also specific evidence that shows how your oncologist has treated the symptoms, and rehabilitated the parts of the body that also endured the growth of cancerous tumors.
Your RFC for prostate cancer should include the results of biopsy testing that clearly indicates the type of cancer diagnosed. A report from your oncologist represents a persuasive piece of evidence that explains the reasons for the diagnosis, as well as how certain treatments have adversely affected your ability to perform on the job. Metastasized prostate cancers should include the results of x-rays, CT scans, and other types of radiological examinations. Any operative reports that clearly demonstrate the advancement of prostate cancer boosts your SSDI benefits chances.
Ask for a Free Case Evaluation
Going through the SSDI application process triggers a considerable amount of stress anxiety. It can be difficult to fall asleep at night, much less get a sound night of sleep. Lost wages and medical expenses can turn a once promising financial future into shattered money dreams. However, you can wipe away the emotional baggage associated with receiving a denial of SSDI benefits by putting together a powerful RFC application, A free case evaluation provides you with an idea about the strength of your RFC assessment. Just make sure to use the exact medical documentation you plan to use for an RFC that you use for a free case evaluation.
Back to topAdditional Resources
- Working With Prostate Cancer
- Benefits of Applying for SSDI With Prostate Cancer
- Free Disability Evaluation
- What’s in My Disability Application for Prostate Cancer?