Using an RFC When Applying With Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration usually occurs as people get older, but it can impact people who are still relatively young and make it impossible for them to work. If you have been diagnosed with macular degeneration and your vision loss is making it impossible for you to work you may be able to qualify for Social Security benefits through a Residual Functional Capacity evaluation. Back to top

What Is Residual Functional Capacity?

A Residual Functional Capacity evaluation is an assessment of your medical condition and a detailed description of the limitations caused by that condition. Your doctor needs to fill out the RFC evaluation form for you and write in detail about how your macular degeneration makes it impossible for you to do the tasks you used to or work. You can submit the RFC evaluation completed by your doctor with your medical records and other information to be eligible for Social Security benefits even if you don’t meet the Blue Book listing standards for your condition. Every condition that makes someone eligible for disability benefits is listed in the Social Security Administration’s Blue Book. Every listing has a very strict set of criteria that must be met in order for someone to receive benefits for that condition. When you can’t meet the listing requirements but also can’t work because of your condition you can use an RFC to qualify for benefits. Back to top

How To Use the RFC When You Have Macular Degeneration

If your macular degeneration has made it impossible to work you can qualify for benefits with an RFC if you can prove that you can no longer do the work you were doing but can’t be trained in a different skill set at this point in your career. For example, if your job requires that you read books or manuals everyday for the last 12 years but your vision loss is making it harder and harder to read you can qualify for disability benefits with an RFC because you are no longer able to perform the job you’ve been doing and you have no experience doing any other kind of work. Back to top

What To Include With Your RFC For Macular Degeneration

When you file a claim for disability benefits with an RFC you should include both medical records and a detailed RFC evaluation filled out by your doctor. Your medical records should back up what the doctor says in the RFC and get your claim approved quicker. You will need to submit vision tests that document the amount of vision loss that you’ve had as well as a doctor’s prognosis and any other medical records that are relevant. Back to top

Get Help With Your RFC For Macular Degeneration

Talking to an experienced Social Security lawyer who has worked on hundreds of disability bases will give you the extra support you need to file a claim. An attorney can help you navigate the claims process and make sure you have enough proof to backup your claim. Back to top

Complete the Free Case Evaluation

Fill out a free case evolution form today and get advice on how you can make your Social Security disability case even stronger so that you’ll get your money faster. Back to top

Additional Resources

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