What is Dysautonomia and Can I Qualify for Disability Benefits?

Dysautonomia is a medical condition which prevents the autonomic nervous system (ANS) from working properly. This could have a negative effect on the functioning of the bladder, blood vessels, heart, sweat glands, intestines and pupils. It is possible to qualify for disability benefits with dysautonomia if you are able to provide the proper medical evidence.

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How Does Dysautonomia Affect the Ability to Work?

Symptoms could include any of the following:

  • orthostatic hypotension which is when the blood pressure falls when standing up,
  • nerve
  • muscle pain,
  • headaches,
  • fatigue,
  • fainting,
  • digestive disorders,
  • anxiety,
  • chronic sleep disorders,
  • sensory disorders.

Many of these symptoms can affect the ability to work depending on their severity. Most jobs require either physical or mental ability and if these are impaired in any way then it may be impossible to hold down a job. If you are unable to sleep at night, then it is unlikely you will be able to concentrate at work whether physical or mental.

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Qualifying with Dysautonomia Symptoms

When you first file for disability benefits, the Social Security Administration (SSA) will assess your impairment to see if it meets any of requirements in the Blue Book listings. If it does, the SSA will automatically approve your claim. Dysautonomic disorders do not come under their own listing but the symptoms you are experiencing may be much the same as those found on another listing.

Depending on your exact symptoms you may find yours appearing under the listings for cardiovascular, neurological, or digestive systems. Your doctor will know which listing to use which matches your symptoms which will enable you to qualify for disability benefits. If all fails, you can ask your doctor to conduct an RFC to help determine if your impairment would qualify you for disability benefits. The SSA will use the results before making a final decision.


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What is an RFC?

If you do not meet exact criteria you can still meet the listing if your doctors help you fill out a residual functional capacity (RFC) form. Your doctor will conduct some tests to determine your level of exertion and how that stops you doing a job. The sorts of things that are tested include your ability to stand in one position for any length of time and whether you are the medical capacity to take the pressure of a job. A medical consultant from the SSA will go through the RFC and look at your medical record to decide if you are entitled to disability benefits.

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Have Your Case Reviewed By an Attorney

You can seek help from a disability lawyer to help with your disability benefits claim. The lawyer can help go through the Blue Book and find a listing appropriate to your symptoms and use any information provided by your doctor to help package your case and help you receive a favorable claim.

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Additional Resources

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