What's Included in My Application After Bone Marrow Transplant

If you have had a bone marrow transplant, a serious surgical procedure, you may be able to obtain disability benefits (SSDI) from the Social Security Administration (SSA). These benefits can help to pay for essential medical costs as well as your basic daily needs. It is important to be aware of the documentation you will need to include in your SSDI application so that it will be eventually approved.

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Criteria for Applying for SSDI Benefits

SSDI benefits are awarded if certain criteria are met by the applicant. The two main criteria are work credits and having some sort of medical disability which prevents you from working and therefore earning a regular income.

If you have worked for long enough, you may have accrued sufficient work credits to be considered suitable for social security disability. It is important that proof of work history including where you worked and how long you worked there is included in your application.

The other main criterion is that you have suffered from or are suffering from a serious medical disability which prevents you from earning a regular income. Bone marrow transplants are associated with treatment for leukemia and are therefore definitely a medical disability as categorized by the SSA.

Age and education may also affect your eligibility for SSDI.

What's Included in My Application After Bone Marrow Transplant

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Medical Documents Needed in Your Application

The SSA considers your SSDI application very thoroughly. A decision about your eligibility may be delayed if you fail to include all relevant documentation.

Your medical condition must be documented as much as possible, showing clearly:

  • medical history as confirmed by a physician;
  • diagnosis of present medical condition by a physician;
  • name, address and phone number of current physician;
  • names, addresses and other contact details for all other medical facilities involved in dealing with your medical condition;
  • dates of visits to all medical facilities attended by you related to your condition and transplant.
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Other Information You’ll Need

Your work record is important to determine you have sufficient work credits to meet the eligibility requirements. You will need to show that you cannot work for at least the next 12 months because of the medical condition which resulted in you having a bone marrow transplant, but have worked full time in the recent past.

Provide the following documents to help the SSA determine whether you are eligible:

  • your most recent W-2 form (if employed);
  • federal tax returns for the previous tax year (if self-employed);
  • where you have worked over the last few years of full time work;
  • the type of employment or business you were engaged in;
  • social security number;
  • birth certificate.
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How a Social Security Attorney Can Help you with your Application

A SSDI application is all about proving that you meet the criteria for disability benefits. The whole process can take quite a long time, but if it is approved your benefits should eventually be back dated. You can save yourself time and trouble by using a SSA attorney to help you prepare your application and guide you through the process.

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Additional Resources

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Find Out If I Qualify for Benefits!