After your application for Social Security Disability benefits has been approved, Social Security will review your case periodically to ensure that you are still eligible for benefits (i.e., still disabled and still unable to work). These continuing disability reviews are scheduled approximately every three years, although the length of time varies from case to case. Medical conditions that can be expected to improve in some cases are generally reviewed every three years, but medical conditions that are not likely to improve can be reviewed as long as seven years after your Social Security Disability benefits are approved. Children who are receiving Social Security Disability benefits are likely to be subject to more frequent continuing disability reviews, while older adults generally have longer periods between reviews. The following article explains how to keep your disability benefits.
At the time of the review, you will be asked for information similar to that you provided during your initial application process, so it is important that you continue to see your doctors after your have been approved for disability benefits even if your condition is not expected to improve. These visits will supply proof to the SSA that you are still disabled.
In the period between reviews, the SSA’s requirements for receiving disability benefits may change with respect to some listings. If your condition has not improved since your last review, your disability benefits will continue without interruption, regardless of whether your medical condition meets the current listing requirements. If your disability has improved, the SSA will see whether your medical condition meets the current requirements of a disability listing.
Children who turn 18 will be evaluated under the regulations governing adult listings, even if the child’s condition has not improved. If a child’s condition does not meet the current adult listing requirements, disability benefits will be terminated, even if the medical condition has not improved.
If your benefits are terminated, they will continue to be paid to you for 60 days, thereby providing time to find other sources of income. The exception to this rule is lack of cooperation. If you are found to be uncooperative and no longer meet the requirements, your benefits will cease immediately. You may also appeal the termination of your Social Security Disability benefits to an Administrative Law Judge. It is wise to hire a qualified Social Security attorney to represent you at an appeals hearing.