Denied Disability with Paralysis

If you suffer from some form of paralysis, you might qualify for Social Security disability benefits. Just a minor form of paralysis can make it difficult, if not impossible for you to complete your standard job functions.

However, the Social Security Administration (SSA) denies a majority of disability claims, which means you should learn how the appeals process unfolds for denied disability benefits.

You need to submit stronger medical evidence, as well as consider undergoing a Residual Functional Capacity (RFC) assessment.

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Winning an Appeal for Denied Social Security with Paralysis

A team of medical examiners from the SSA reviews your appeal for reconsideration. The first step in the appeals process follows the same process that you followed when you filed the initial claim.

Appealing a paralysis denied disability claim requires you to meet the medical standards the SSA has established in the agency’s guide called the Blue Book. Paralysis takes many forms, and the SSA addresses each possible scenario in the Blue Book.

You might qualify for disability benefits with paralysis if you meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Complete loss of function
  • Challenges standing from a sitting position
  • Difficulty with maintaining balance
  • Cannot coordinate the movement of your hands and fingers
  • Loss of feeling in the legs
  • Mental impairments
  • Damage to internal organs
  • Emotional distress caused by anxiety and depression
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Diagnostic Test Results Can Help Your Denied with Paralysis Claim

Diagnosing paralysis is frequently easy to do because the primary symptom is severe loss of muscle control. In addition to your doctor confirming that you suffer from acute loss of muscle control, you should also present other types of medical evidence that strengthen your appeal for reconsideration.

  • X-rays
  • CT scans
  • MRIs
  • Myelography
  • Electromyography
  • Spinal tap

You should also ask your physician to write and submit a report that describes your prognosis for recovery. For many paralysis cases, the prognosis for making a full recovery is not positive.

The SSA will incorporate your prognosis into its decision whether to approve or deny your appeal for reconsideration

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Undergoing an RFC to Appeal a Paralysis Disability Claim

Conducted by a doctor from the SSA, an RFC assessment measures your ability to complete normal job functions. For measuring the severity of your paralysis, you might have to complete motion exercises such as moving your arms from both of your sides into the air.

Walking on a treadmill measures your stamina, as well as the seriousness of your condition. For paralysis patients that experience extreme loss of muscle control, the SSA will probably not ask for an RFC assessment.

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File Your Appeal for Reconsideration on Time

You might feel dejected when you receive a denial letter from the SSA, but you cannot hang your head for long. The SSA gives you 60 days to file an appeal for reconsideration, which starts on the day that you received your denial letter for paralysis.

If the SSA denies your appeal for reconsideration, you then take your claim in front of an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ)

Working with a Social Security lawyer can improve your chances of getting the appeal for reconsideration approved by the SSA. Your attorney can help you collect more medical evidence, as well as monitor the progress of your appeal after submitting it to the SSA.

Most Social Security lawyers operate on a contingency fee basis, which means you do not have to pay upfront legal fees.

Schedule a free case evaluation today with a Social Security disability attorney.

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Additional Resources

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