Denied Disability Benefits With Neck Problems

Various health conditions can result in neck discomfort or pain. Depending on the nature of your condition and the severity of your symptoms, such a condition could prevent you from working and earning an income.

You may be eligible to receive Social Security disability benefits in these circumstances. The US Social Security Administration (SSA) offers benefits to disabled individuals who can't cover the costs of their own housing, food, and other such basic needs.

It's worth noting that the SSA denies most initial claims. As this guide will explain, even if the SSA doesn't approve your application at first, you may still be able to pursue benefits.

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Filing An Appeal For Disability Benefits With Neck Problems

You can appeal the SSA's decision if they don't approve your claim at first. You can file an appeal online, in-person, or by calling the SSA’s toll-free number. You may also hire a representative such as an attorney to file an appeal on your behalf.

The appeal process typically begins when a party that didn't review your application the first time around reviews it independently. This is called a reconsideration.

Sometimes, a reconsideration results in an approval. If this doesn't happen, you may proceed to a hearing in front of an administrative law judge (ALJ). A review by an Appeals Council will follow if the ALJ does not issue an approval. Finally, a federal court may review the case if you still don’t receive an approval for benefits.

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How To File a Successful Appeal For Disability Benefits With Neck Problems

The following tips may help you improve your chances of receiving an approval from the SSA when you file an appeal:

  • Undergo a Residual Functional Capacity (RFC) assessment, during which either your doctor or a doctor the SSA connects you with reviews your physical condition and determines whether you can engage in work-related activity
  • Coordinate with medical professionals to gather more evidence and documentation of your disability
  • Adhere to all treatment plans your doctors suggest

It’s also vital that you not delay when filing an appeal. You have 60 days from learning of the SSA’s decision to initiate the appeal process. You may essentially waive your right to continue seeking benefits if you miss the deadline.

Neck pain, such as cervical degenerative disc, may qualify you for Social Security disability benefits.

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Why Was My Neck Problems Claim Denied?

There isn’t one universal reason the SSA may have for denying a claim. Common reasons the SSA denies applications for disability benefits include:

  • A claimant hasn’t provided sufficient medical evidence
  • There’s reason to believe a claimant’s condition won’t last at least 12 months
  • Although a claimant can’t work, they can still address their basic needs due to having access to other financial resources
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Get Help With Your Appeal

You don’t have to navigate the process of appealing the SSA’s decision alone. You may be better-equipped to file a successful appeal if you coordinate with a disability lawyer who has experience representing clients like you. Fill out the Free Case Evaluation to get connected with an independent disability attorney who subscribes to the website and may be able to help with your case.

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