The Social Security Administration receives millions of claims for Social Security Disability benefits each and every year. The overwhelming number of applicants has resulted in a significant number of backlogged disability claims, and this backlog has created wait times of more than two years before some disability applicants to be awarded disability benefits.
Unfortunately, it just is not feasible for some individuals to wait years, or even just a few months, for disability benefits to begin. Some conditions are more severe, warranting immediate attention from the Social Security Administration. The Social Security Administration has recognized this fact and in 2008 they implemented the Compassionate Allowances guidelines.
Under the Compassionate Allowances listings, there are 88 disabling conditions that qualify Social Security Disability applicants for expedited claim approval. Instead of waiting months for a disability claim to be approved, applicants who have been diagnosed with one of these conditions may be able to qualify for benefits in a matter of weeks.
Type C Niemann-Pick Disease is one of the 88 conditions that qualifies for Social Security Disability processing under the Compassionate Allowances guidelines.
If you or your child has been diagnosed with Type C Niemann-Pick Disease, the following information will shed light on the Social Security Disability application process and will show you how you can increase your chances of obtaining a quick approval of your disability benefits under the Compassionate Allowances listings.
Back to topType C Niemann-Pick Disease - Condition and Symptoms
Type C Niemann-Pick Disease is a very rare disorder, affecting approximately one in every 150,000 individuals. Unlike the other types of Niemann-Pick Disease, patients who develop Type C do not necessarily present with symptoms in infancy. While most cases of this condition develop before the age of ten, the disease has been known to manifest well into adulthood in some cases.
Type C Niemann-Pick Disease is caused by a mutation of the NPC1 gene. Unlike Type B or Type A Niemann-Pick Disease, Type C does not cause an enzyme deficiency. Instead, Type C Niemann-Pick Disease results in a mutation of the NPC1 protein that is responsible for transporting large water-insoluble molecules through the cells of the body. This causes the body to create a build-up of glycolipids, cholesterol, and lysosomes.
The symptoms of Type C Niemann-Pick Disease vary from patient to patient. Common symptoms of the condition include spleen enlargement, liver enlargement, jaundice, neurological disease, motor skill impairment, difficulty swallowing, epilepsy, loss of muscle tone, abnormal movements, spasticity, small head, drooping of the eyelids, psychosis, dementia, hearing loss, bipolar disorder, depression, and hallucinations. Eventually, patients with Type C Niemann-Pick Disease become completely bedridden and suffer from severe dementia and loss of movement control.
Unfortunately, there is no cure for Type C Niemann-Pick Disease. Doctors will focus on making the patient as comfortable as possible throughout the duration of the disease. Prognosis for the condition depends on when the disease manifests - infants who are diagnosed will usually not survive beyond the first few years of life, and adults who develop the condition may live into their seventies due to a slower disease progression.
Back to topFiling for Social Security Disability with Type C Niemann-Pick Disease
If you or your child has been diagnosed with Type C Niemann-Pick Disease, you should file for Social Security Disability benefits as soon as possible. If you have been diagnosed with the condition, the resulting symptoms will likely make it impossible to maintain full-time work activity. If your child has been diagnosed, you may need to cease work activity to see to the needs of your child. In either case, Social Security Disability benefits can help offset some of the financial stress caused by the condition.
When filing a Social Security Disability claim based on a diagnosis of Type C Niemann-Pick Disease, make sure that you answer all of the application questions with thorough and complete answers. The more detailed you are, the more the adjudicator reviewing your file will understand how the condition affects your day-to-day living. Medical records and written statements from treating physicians can also support your Social Security Disability claim.
Back to topYour Type C Niemann-Pick Disease Social Security Disability Case
If you are filing for Social Security Disability benefits due to a diagnosis of Type C Niemann-Pick Disease, you may assume that your application will be automatically approved due to the fact that it is listed as one of the 88 conditions that qualifies for Compassionate Allowances processing. Unfortunately, this is not necessarily the case.
While Social Security Disability claims that are based on one of the 88 Compassionate Allowances listings normally are approved during the initial stage of the application process, there have been instances where a Compassionate Allowances claim has been denied by the Social Security Administration. This is usually due to a lack of medical evidence, an improperly submitted claim or a lack of understanding or knowledge on the part of the adjudicator reviewing the file. Because of this, you may wish to hire a qualified disability attorney or advocate to represent you in your Social Security Disability case and help you file your application properly.
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