Tricuspid Atresia and Social Security Disability Claims
When most people think about Social Security Disability claims, they imagine individuals who have worked hard and paid their dues to the Social Security system, suddenly unable to work and earn an income due to an unexpected long-term or permanent disability. The truth is, not all Social Security Disability claims are filed by adults. Some are filed on the behalf of the children of these hard-working Americans; children who are born with life-threatening disabilities and need immediate assistance from the Social Security Administration.
In the past, the Social Security Administration treated all disability claims equally. Adults and children who were born with severely disabling conditions and were in need of disability benefits had to go through the same disability claim process as everyone else. Fortunately, in 2008, the Social Security Administration recognized that not all disabilities were created equal and to address this issue they rolled out the Compassionate Allowances Listings.
Under the Compassionate Allowances guidelines, individuals who suffer from certain conditions can qualify for Social Security Disability benefits in a matter of weeks instead of having to wait months or even years like the rest of the Social Security Disability applicants. Until this year, there were 88 conditions that would qualify an individual for claim processing under the Compassionate Allowances guidelines. In 2011, the Social Security Administration expanded the Compassionate Allowances listings to include 12 more disabling conditions, in which tricuspid atresia was among.
If you or your child have been diagnosed with tricuspid atresia, the following information will help you understand how the Social Security Administration processes claims that are based on this particular diagnosis, and how you can increase your chance of a quick and hassle-free disability claim experience.
Back to topTricuspid Atresia Condition and Symptoms
Tricuspid atresia is a congenital heart defect that is diagnosed during infancy. Individuals who are born with this disorder suffer from an absence of the tricuspid valve or have a tricuspid valve that is either blocked or abnormally developed. This prevents the blood from flowing from the right atrium of the heart to the right ventricle, which then results in a right ventricle that is very underdeveloped.
The blockage that is caused by this condition causes the blood to flow from the heart's upper-right chamber to the upper-left chamber through a hole in the wall that separates the chambers. This hole may be a defect or may be the child's foramen ovale, which is an enlarged opening that is supposed to close shortly after birth. If there is no hole to allow for this flow of blood, one must be created surgically.
When an individual suffers from tricuspid atresia, the right side of the heart is unable to provide blood to the lungs like a healthy heart would. This results in the lungs being unable to provide the body with the oxygen that it needs to survive.
Some of the people who are born with this condition also have a hole that is located between the right and left ventricles. If this occurs, the condition must be monitored closely and surgery may be required to correct it.
While the symptoms of tricuspid atresia may vary, common symptoms include a bluish tint to the skin, chronic fatigue, breathing difficulties, swelling of the abdomen, legs, ankles and feet, fluid retention, irregular heartbeat and retarded growth.
Children who survive into adulthood due to corrective heart surgery are at an increased risk of heart-related difficulties later on in life. Scar tissue may increase the chance of heart arrhythmia and subacute endocarditis.
Back to topFiling for Social Security Disability with Tricuspid Atresia
If you or your child suffer from tricuspid atresia, it is very important that you properly complete the Social Security Disability claim forms and that you provide sufficient medical evidence to support your claim. It is your responsibility to prove to the SSA that the condition actually meets the guidelines that have been set forth in this particular Compassionate Allowances listing.
When completing the disability claim forms, do not leave anything incomplete. Answer all questions with as much detail as possible. The answers that you provide will help the adjudicator that is reviewing your case understand how the condition qualifies for processing under the Compassionate Allowances guidelines.
You will also need to provide the Social Security Administration with as much medical evidence as possible when sending in your disability application. In the case of tricuspid atresia, this means providing the SSA with a clinical description of findings and response to treatment from the treating physician as well as copies of operative reports, cardiology consultation reports, imaging studies and laboratory reports.
Back to topTricuspid Atresia and Your Social Security Disability Case
Many of the Social Security Disability applicants who file a claim that is based on a Compassionate Allowances Listing assume that the claim will be automatically approved for Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Income. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. While the SSA does not make a habit out of denying Compassion Allowances claims, it will happen if your claim forms are not filled out properly, or if you do not provide the SSA with sufficient medical evidence.
If you want to increase your chances of receiving a quick approval of your Social Security Disability application under the Compassionate Allowances guidelines, you should consider using the services of a qualified Social Security Disability attorney or advocate. These professionals can help you with the preparation of your disability claim paperwork and will aid you in gathering the medical evidence that will be needed to support your claim for disability benefits.
To learn more about the Social Security Compassionate Allowance Listings or to find out if you might qualify for benefits due to a diagnosis of tricuspid atresia, simply fill out the form for a free evaluation of your case by an experienced Social Security Disability lawyer.
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