When applying for Social Security Disability, the majority of applicants are declined by the Social Security Administration during the initial stage of the application process, resulting in the need for an applicant to pursue their disability appeal options. Unfortunately, another 80 percent of applicants are also denied at Reconsideration, the first stage of Social Security Disability appeals. These applicants must then pursue the hearing stage of the disability appeal process and will often wait a year or more before being scheduled for a Social Security Disability hearing before an administrative law judge.
When a disability applicant is suffering from a severe condition, it is not always feasible to wait months for the approval of a Social Security Disability claim. The Social Security Administration has recognized this problem, and in 2008 they implemented the Compassionate Allowances initiative. Under the Compassionate Allowances guidelines, there are 88 different disabling conditions that qualify for faster claim processing and quicker approval of Social Security Disability benefits. Instead of waiting months to be approved for disability benefits, these applicants may have their claim for benefits approved in just a few weeks.
Mantle Cell Lymphoma is one of the 88 conditions that qualify for expedited claim processing under the Compassionate Allowances guidelines. If you have been diagnosed with Mantle Cell Lymphoma and are wondering how your claim for benefits will be processed by the Social Security Administration, the following information will help you understand how the claim process works and how you can increase your chances of a faster approval under the Compassionate Allowances guidelines.
Back to topMantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL) Condition and Symptoms
Mantle Cell Lymphoma, also known as MCL, is a B-cell lymphoma that develops in the mantle zone of the lymph nodes. While this type of cancer develops in the outer ring of the lymphocytes, it commonly spreads to other areas of the body including the spleen, bone marrow, liver, and GI tract.
Mantle Cell Lymphoma makes up about one out of every twenty cases of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma diagnosed in the United States. The condition usually develops in patients who are at least thirty years of age and is most commonly diagnosed in individuals over the age of fifty. This particular form of cancer is more common in males then in females, with a man being three times more likely to develop the condition than a woman.
While the symptoms of Mantle Cell Lymphoma vary from patient to patient, common symptoms include swollen glands, weight loss, fever, loss of appetite, and night sweats. When a physician suspects that a patient has developed mantle cell lymphoma, he or she will conduct a variety of tests including biopsy, blood tests, CT scans, PET scans, and bone marrow biopsy.
Therapy for a case of Mantle Cell Lymphoma will depend on how far the cancer has progressed at the time of diagnosis. Chemotherapy is usually the recommended form of treatment. Surgery and radiation therapy are not usually effective forms of treatment for Mantle Cell Lymphoma. The median survival rate for patients who are diagnosed with this condition is only three to five years, although new treatments are being researched and the survival rates reported by newer studies indicate that some patients may live for more than seven years after their initial diagnosis.
Back to topFiling for Social Security Disability with Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL)
A diagnosis of Mantle Cell Lymphoma can be a very scary and overwhelming experience. Many of the patients who develop this condition are unable to work due to the disabling symptoms and side effects of the associated treatment. The SSA has recognized the severity of Mantle Cell Lymphoma and has listed it as one of the 88 conditions that qualify a disability applicant for faster benefit approval under the SSA's Compassionate Allowances guidelines.
When filing a disability claim based on a diagnosis of mantle cell lymphoma, it is crucial that you provide the SSA with as much medical evidence as possible to support your claim for disability benefits. Make sure that you prepare your application properly and include a complete copy of your medical records along with your disability application. Written statements from treating physicians can also support your claim for disability benefits from the SSA.
Back to topMantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL) and Your Social Security Disability Case
A diagnosis of Mantle Cell Lymphoma is one of the 88 conditions that qualify for processing under the SSA's Compassionate Allowances guidelines, but that does not mean that your claim for Social Security Disability benefits will be automatically approved by the SSA. If your disability application is incomplete, prepared improperly or does not contain enough supporting medical evidence, it is possible that the SSA will deny your claim for benefits even though your application is based on a condition that is included in the Compassionate Allowances listings.
If you want to increase your chances of obtaining a quick and hassle-free approval of your Social Security Disability application, you should consider retaining the services of a qualified disability advocate or attorney. The professional you work with will review your disability claim with you and will ensure that your application is presented properly to the SSA. This will increase your chances of receiving an approval at the initial stage of the application process and ensures that your disability claim will be processed under the SSA's Compassionate Allowances guidelines.
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