A hernia is a common medical condition that can affect just about anyone.
The symptoms of a hernia range from mild discomfort to raging, debilitating pain that can render someone incapable of getting out of bed.
You can not simply wish a hernia to disappear.
The medical affliction can require surgery, and at the very least, weeks of intensive treatment and therapy to help a patient return to work.
During the time it takes to recover from a hernia, how does a hernia patient pay for daily living expenses, much less the high cost of medical procedures? The answer lies in a program managed by the Social Security Administration (SSA).
Back to topGetting Financial Assistance for a Hernia
If you currently suffer from a hernia, you should take comfort in a program administered by the SSA that provides financial relief to workers that cannot hold on a steady job because of a disability.
Called Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), the program allows disabled workers to maintain some semblance of a normal lifestyle.
The SSA applies a series of standards to vet every application for SSDI benefits.
Inside the SSA Blue Book, there are hundreds of medical conditions that qualify SSDI applicants for benefits.
However, a hernia is not specifically listed in the SSA Blue Book. This means it requires more work and persistence to get an SSDI application approved for a hernia.
Without a listing for hernia in the Blue Book, how do you get approved for SSDI benefits?
With the help of a state licensed Social Security attorney, you can file a SSDI benefits claim under a related listing.
For example, the SSA might approve an SSDI application for a hiatal hernia that is listed under gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
Back to topHow does Medicare Affect SSDI Benefits?
As a long standing health insurance program administered by the federal government, Medicare covers the cost of diagnosing, treating, and rehabilitating a large number of illnesses and personal injuries.
The program also provides seniors with the opportunity to receive regularly scheduled checkups.
However, Medicare does not cover the cost of daily expenses.
If you suffer from an acutely painful hernia, applying for SSDI benefits is the most effective way to receive comprehensive financial assistance.
Even if you qualify for Medicare and SSDI benefits, Medicare does not kick in until two years after you apply for it.
Back to topThe SSA Want You Back to Work
The primary goal of the SSA is to help disabled American workers receive financial assistance during a medical crisis.
A secondary goal involves encouraging rehabilitated workers to return to the workforce.
One program called Ticket to Work provides disabled workers with tools to make the transition back into the American workforce.
Ticket to Work includes Employment Networks (EN), which act as professional networking platforms that match worker skills with the appropriate open jobs.
The back to work program also helps disabled workers organize the financial resources required to conduct job searches.
Back to topKnow Where You Stand with the SSA
Trying to get an SSDI application approved for a hernia can lead to frustration and possibly the denial of your claim.
To ensure you present the most convincing application, you should schedule a free case evaluation with an experienced Social Security attorney.>/p>
Your attorney can also provide you with suggestions on how to improve the strength of your SSDI application. With a time limit placed on submitting an SSDI application, act with a sense of urgency by scheduling your free case evaluation today.
Back to topAdditional Resources
- Hernia and Social Security Disability
- What Should I Include in My Disability Application For a Hernia?
- Permanent Restrictions After a Hernia