What Are The Benefits Of Applying For SSDI With Colon Cancer?

Colon cancer is a disease like virtually every type of cancer that goes through stages of development. Although minor symptoms such as cramps and discomfort simply disrupt someone’s lifestyle, the more serious symptoms like chronic fatigue and weakness makes holding down a full time job a difficult thing to do.

Colon cancer can develop into a life threatening disease that renders patients incapable of getting out of bed, much less put in a full day of work. To address the disabling nature of some colon cancers, the United States Congress created a program called Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) to provides financial resources for colon cancer patients to fight back against the crippling disease.

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What is SSDI?

Responsible for administering the SSDI program, the Social Security Administration (SSA) has created a specific definition for disabled Americans. State agencies known as Disability Determination Services act as the review board for determining whether an applicant qualifies for SSDI benefits. However, the SSA has established a long list of guidelines for SSDI applicants to receive benefits for suffering from colon cancer. Referred to as the SSA Blue Book, the guidelines list the medical conditions and the accompanying symptoms that qualify SSDI applicants for benefits.

SSDI applicants should know the SSA pays out SSDI benefits only for total disabilities. This means you must have not worked for at least one year or have received a diagnosis that you have a terminal illness. You have to be incapable of completing the job duties that you successfully performed before contracting colon cancer. A state licensed Social Security lawyer can help you determine whether your colon cancer is serious enough for the SSA to grant you SSDI benefits.

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Are You Eligible for Medicare?

Many colon cancer patients are older Americans that still work full time jobs. They want to know that if they qualify for SSDI benefits, does that mean they are not eligible for Medicare health insurance. Offered to Americans at least 65 years old, Medicare is a safety net program that provides seniors with health insurance during their golden years.

The multi-part health insurance program run by the federal government is available for Americans that receive SSDI benefits. However, there is a two-year waiting period before SSDI recipients can enroll in Medicare. During the two-year waiting period, SSDI recipients have the option to enroll in the health insurance plan offered by a former employer.

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Transitioning Back to Work

One of the goals of the SSDI benefits program is to help disabled workers slowly transition back into the workforce. This principle accomplishes objectives. First, the SSA saves money by removing SSDI recipients from the program. Second, getting back to work helps American workers return to self-sufficient lifestyles. Perhaps the best known work transition program managed by the SSA is called Ticket to Work. Americans that receive SSDI benefits and are between the ages of 18 and 64 qualify to participate in the Ticket to Work transition program.

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A Free Case Evaluation Can Help

Applying for SSDI benefits can test the most patient Americans. The process not only takes a long time to unfold, there are also many questions when it comes to defining a disability. By completing a free case evaluation administered by Social Security attorney, you should have a good idea about the strength of your SSDI application. Schedule a free case evaluation to start the SSDI application process.

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Additional Resources

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