Table of Contents
- Signs That You Will Be Denied For Disability
- Work History
- What To Do If You’ve Been Denied Disability And Can’t Work
- How Many Times Can You Get Denied For Disability?
- How Long Does It Take To Get Disability?
- Approval Rates For Disability Denials
- Improving Your Possibility Of Success
- Conclusion
- Sources and Additional Resources
Millions of people apply for Social Security disability benefits each year. Approximately only 30% of the initial Social Security disability applications received by the Social Security Administration (SSA) each year are approved. This begs the question: Why are so many Social Security disability claims denied?
Here, we outline the biggest potential signs and reasons for disability denials.
Social Security disability benefits can be denied for a variety of different reasons, but there are five main consistent reasons for disability denials. If you are applying for Social Security disability benefits, it is important that you understand these reasons so you may have a better chance of getting your claim approved by the SSA instead of denied.
Signs That You Will Be Denied For Disability:
The Social Security Administration (SSA) denies many Social Security disability claims because of a lack of solid medical evidence. To get disability benefits, you must show that you can't work because of your disabling condition. More specifically, you need medical records showing your disability has affected your ability to work.
The medical records kept by your primary care physicians are what will be most important in determining the success of your claim for Social Security disability benefits. Because of this, it is very important that you discuss how your disability is impacting your work life with your physician.
Doctor's notes excusing you from work or records suggesting a modified work schedule should be included with your medical files if possible. And, if you were working prior to filing for disability and had to miss time from work due to the disability, keep a record of just how much time was lost.
For example, you may be seeing your doctor every month for severe back pain. However, if your doctor has not documented how your back pain impacts or interferes with your ability to work during those monthly visits, your Social Security disability claim may be denied. This is because conditions that qualify for disability in the eyes of the SSA must be severe and backed up by "objective medical evidence." According to the SSA, a severe condition is one that impacts a person's "ability to perform basic work-related activities" for at least 12 months.
Some examples of basic work-related activities include:
- Standing
- Sitting
- Lifting
- Walking
- Remembering
You may be wondering why there is such an emphasis on medical evidence throughout the disability application process. The answer is rooted in the fact that medical evidence is the cornerstone of the SSA's disability determination process. Every person who applies for disability is responsible for providing substantial medical evidence—highlighting (1) that they have a medically determinable impairment, and (2) the severity of said impairment(s)—so that the SSA is able to establish that they actually qualify for disability benefits.
In order for you to prove the existence of your medically determinable impairment, the SSA needs "objective medical evidence" from an "acceptable medical source."
Further Reading: "What is an ‘Acceptable Medical Source’?"
In terms of proving the severity of your impairment, the SSA will look at all of the evidence you've provided from both medical and non-medical sources in order to establish the extent to which the impairment impacts your ability to work. Some examples of acceptable non-medical sources include:
- the claimant
- employers
- caregivers
- family members
- neighbors
- public and private social welfare agency personnel
- educational personnel
- clergy
Ultimately, by including such information and evidence in your claim, you will be presenting your best possible case to the SSA that highlights your need for disability benefits. In doing so, you can give yourself a higher likelihood of not getting denied for this reason.
Many people think that filing a new disability claim is a better alternative than and/or is what you should do instead of appealing their denied claim. This is not the case. In some situations, a claim will be denied when the person reviewing the claim sees that you applied for Social Security disability and you were denied these benefits before.
Because of this, it is critically important that you go through the appeals process rather than altogether filing a new claim for Social Security Disability if your initial claim is denied.
Qualifying for disability benefits encompasses more than just disabling medical conditions. While having a disabling medical condition is a critical component, so is your income. This is because Social Security disability benefits are reserved for people who are unable to earn enough money to support themselves. In other words, the Social Security Administration (SSA) will only approve Social Security disability claims for people who are unable to work due to their disability.
To evaluate disability applicants' financial needs, the SSA uses something called Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) which is measured in terms of dollar value. More specifically, you likely will not qualify for SSI or SSDI benefits if you earn more money than the SGA value for a given year. In 2023, the SGA earnings limit is $1,550 for non-blind individuals and $2,590 for blind individuals.
So, if you're earning SGA through employment at the time of your disability benefits application, it is probable that your application will be denied. This is likely because the SSA will take a look at your earnings and presume that you are not disabled because you can support yourself financially.
It's important to note that when determining SGA, the SSA does not take into account income generated from investments, interest, or other sources unrelated to employment.
If you fail to follow the treatment prescribed to you by your doctor, or there are gaps in your medical care, the Social Security Administration (SSA) will likely deny your disability claim. The reason for this is that the SSA examiner would likely argue that they're not able to accurately determine whether or not your condition actually prevents you from being able to work if you are (1) unwilling to cooperate with treatment, and/or (2) not receiving the necessary treatment.
However, if you have a valid reason for not following through with the treatment prescribed by your doctor, you can bring this up during the appeals process. You will, however, probably want a Social Security disability attorney or disability advocate helping you in this case to give yourself the best chance of success.
It's important to work and cooperate with the people handling your Social Security Disability claim, regardless of how you feel about them.
It is also critically important that you stay in touch with the person handling your disability case and give them any requested documents promptly. This is because, if you fail to provide the SSA with the additional documentation they requested or fail to show up to your scheduled medical exams, your claim will likely be denied.
Work History
In order to apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), you need to have paid Social Security taxes and you must have earned a sufficient amount of work credits. In other words, you must have a work history. In general, SSDI applicants need 40 work credits to qualify—20 of which were earned within the last 10 years ending with the year when your disability began. However, younger SSDI applicants may qualify with fewer work credits.
Work credits are determined by your annual earnings. During any given year of employment, you can earn 1 work credit for every $1,730 that you make while working—up to 4 work credits per year.
Younger applicants may qualify for SSDI with fewer than 40 work credits because they might not have worked long enough to earn 40 credits. Regardless of a disability claimant's age, they must be unable to work to receive SSDI. So, if you are capable of working in your current position (either with employer-provided accommodations or in a modified capacity), then you will likely not be considered eligible for SSDI benefits.
Further Reading: "Number of Work Credits Required by Age of SSDI Applicant" Chart.
What To Do If You’ve Been Denied Disability And Can’t Work
If you have been denied disability and can’t work, don't panic. You might still be able to get disability benefits.
If you received a disability denial from the SSA, and still see yourself as needing those benefits, your first step will be to file an appeal (i.e., submitting a Request for Reconsideration). However, before you file your appeal, it is very important for you to read your denial letter carefully as its contents will explain why your initial claim was denied.
Understanding why your claim was denied is crucial because it will enable you to know exactly what aspect(s) of your claim need fixing. Additionally, your denial letter will likely highlight how and where you can provide additional supporting evidence and documentation in your appealed claim. Last, but certainly not least, your denial letter will specify your claim's specific deadline for filing an appeal with the SSA. It is critically important that you adhere to this deadline as failure to do so will usually result in you having to start the disability application process over from scratch.
How Many Times Can You Get Denied For Disability?
You might've been told that there are limits to how many times you can apply for Social Security Disability benefits. However, that's not entirely true. If you are unfairly or wrongfully denied benefits, you can file a claim or appeal your denial multiple times. In other words, there is no limit to how many times you can file a claim for disability benefits or appeal your initial denial.
If I've Been Denied Disability, Should I Re-Apply or Appeal? The answer to this question depends on a variety of factors. For many applicants who've had their disability claims denied, an appeal is probably the best course of action.
An appeal prevents you from having to start the claims process all over again from scratch.
This means you won't have to wait as long to be approved for benefits. By appealing your denial instead of applying again, you can reduce the risk of being denied again. This is because your appeal will include all the information from your initial application which will eliminate room for error—in terms of information discrepancies—on the SSA's side. More specifically, when people re-apply for disability with a brand new application instead of appealing, sometimes the SSA assessor reviewing the new application will reject it if they see that the claimant previously sought disability benefits and received a denial due to an erroneous discrepancy.
Finally, by appealing a denial instead of re-applying, you will be able to keep your protective filing date. Your protective filing date is the date when you first told the SSA that you wanted to file a disability claim. If your appeal succeeds, the SSA will calculate your back pay based on your protective filing date. So, by appealing your denial and maintaining your protective filing date, you could be entitled to more back pay.
How Long Does It Take To Get Disability?
You may have to wait several months or even years to receive your benefits.
Usually, it takes approximately 4-6 months for the SSA to process an SSDI or SSI application. However, if your claim is denied, it can take (on average) an extra 6 to 8 months longer to get a hearing for the appeals process. So, even if you ultimately win your appeal, two years could have passed since you first submitted your application.
Approval Rates For Disability Denials
Upon initial evaluation, Social Security disability applications face an overwhelming 70% denial rate according to the SSA. Various factors determine that percentage. These factors include applying for a condition that does not meet the criteria or not having proper medical documentation.
Fortunately, the SSA offers a comprehensive set of disability benefit appeals guidelines that have a great success rate.
Check your medical records to make sure you've given the SSA all the information they need to decide.
When you appeal a decision, the understanding at that point is that you truly believe you qualify for disability benefits. As such, it is important that you check the medical records and evidence you've submitted to make sure you've given the SSA all the information they need to make a decision regarding your eligibility. This is important because, in some cases, new information may have presented itself since you initially filed your claim, and this new information can help to make your claim even stronger. Remember, the more medical evidence you submit, the higher your chances of getting approved for disability.
The reality, though, is that your initial request for reconsideration still goes back to the SSA so this appeal level only has an average success rate of 13.8%.
The best chance for a successful appeal comes at the disability hearing level, where you have the chance to speak with an Administrative Law Judge about your condition. For these hearings, you are able to bring witnesses who can support and corroborate your claims. There is an average success rate of 62% at this stage.
The two remaining levels are the Appeals Council and taking the case to federal court. The Appeals Council approval rate is about 13% and only 40% of federal court cases receive favorable decisions.
Given the complexities of the appeals process, it is incredibly helpful to engage a Social Security disability lawyer to help you navigate the course and ensure that you have everything you need so that you are in the best possible place to win your case. If you're interested in speaking with a Social Security disability attorney who can help you today (all at zero cost to you), complete the Free Case Evaluation on this page.
Improving Your Possibility Of Success
While it is true that only 30 percent of initial Social Security Disability claims are approved, understanding the reasons why so many disability claims are denied can help you increase your chances of obtaining disability benefits.
In doing so, you can establish a game plan for how you can avoid repeats of the same mistakes (made in your initial application) in your appeal(s).
In addition to understanding the reasons for disability denials, it is equally important to know how to strengthen your claim to improve your possibility of success. As such, we’ve outlined some steps below to help you.

The SSA evaluates every disability claim by using its own medical guide called the "Blue Book" to assess disability claims. The Blue Book features 14 different categories of conditions that qualify for disability. The purpose of the Blue Book is to allow both the SSA and disability applicants to quickly find a condition and see if it qualifies for disability benefits.
Using the Blue Book can help get your disability claim approved. Whether you're in the initial disability application process or you're in the midst of the request for reconsideration phase, the Blue Book can help you determine what medical documentation and evidence you will need to help make your case as strong as possible.
You should search for your condition in the Blue Book to determine the information that's required by the SSA for your claim. Provide strong medical evidence—and lots of it—in your application to support your case and increase your chances of getting approved.
Sometimes, your condition may not be severe enough to get disability benefits. In such cases, the SSA may ask you to fill out an RFC form. The RFC (Residual Functional Capacity) determines how much work you are capable of performing given the limitations of your condition.
Your doctor completes the RFC form using your medical history to provide accurate information.
The RFC form is your chance to present specific information about your unique situation to the SSA. Your doctor knows your case and understands your limitations based on examination and observation.
You should make sure that you inform your doctor of your intent to apply for disability benefits as soon as possible. This is because, given the fact that your doctor diagnosed you and prescribes you treatment, the SSA may reach out to them if they have questions about your condition or your ability to work. Thus, it's important that your doctor is prepared for and expecting such inquiries.
Additionally, given the 60-day appeal period for disability, it is important that you ensure your doctor is aware that they need to complete the RFC form for you as quickly as possible if your claim has already been denied.
Further Reading: “SSA’s Blue Book in 2023”
From keeping track of deadlines to gathering the proper evidence to making sure that your application is complete, the entire process of applying for Social Security disability benefits is oftentimes overwhelming.
A disability lawyer can help guide you through the application and appeals process so that you can be assured that you are doing everything the right way along the way.
What Are The Benefits of Working With a Disability Lawyer? Working with a disability lawyer or advocate has several benefits. Though there is no guarantee that hiring a disability attorney will result in you winning your case, it can greatly improve your chances of success. In fact, according to data released by the SSA, disability claimants who worked with lawyers had overall higher success rates (i.e. ended up getting approved for disability benefits) compared to those who didn't.
This is likely because of a number of reasons. For instance, disability lawyers can:
- Have a better understanding of what information should be included in initial applications, as well as what should be added to strengthen disability appeals.
- Keep track of the various deadlines to make sure that their clients are on the right track.
- Ease your angst and allow you to focus more on yourself (and your health) by taking on more of the work to complete your disability application and/or appeal.
- Be brought in for assistance at any point during the disability application or appeals process.
- A disability lawyer will be able to tell you how much disability you can get.
- Not be paid unless they actually win your disability claim.
How Do Disability Lawyers Get Paid? Most disability benefits attorneys work on what is called a contingency fee basis. This means that you don't have to pay anything unless they win your case. Furthermore, disability lawyers are oftentimes paid directly by the SSA via your back pay.
In disability benefits, "back pay" is a term used to refer to the lump sum of money you receive with your first disability check from the SSA. Back pay is calculated by the SSA. Specifically, the SSA will calculate your back pay by taking the months between your initial disability benefits application date and your eventual approval date and multiplying that by the monthly disability benefit payment you've been awarded. For example, if you've been awarded a disability payment of $995 every month, and it took the SSA nine months to ultimately approve your application, you would be entitled to $8,955 in disability back pay.
When a disability lawyer gets paid via their client's back pay, it is typically done directly through the SSA—meaning the SSA will withhold a claimant's back pay until they pay the claimant's lawyer directly from that lump sum of money. Lawyers can either be paid 25% of the back pay or $6,000—whichever is less. So, in keeping with the example used above, your lawyer would either get 25% of $8,955 (the total back pay value) or $6,000—whichever value is less.
To find out an exact estimate of how much money you could receive from disability benefits, use our Social Security benefits calculator.
Ultimately, the road to securing Social Security Disability benefits can be a challenging one, with only about 30% of initial applications receiving approval. Thus, understanding the key reasons for disability denial is crucial for those seeking assistance because knowing what not to do can allow them to avoid common mistakes. Perhaps equally as important is understanding how and where disability claimants can find help throughout their journey to give themselves the best chances of getting approved.
Let's summarize the key points we discussed in this article:
- Lack of hard medical evidence stands out as a primary factor for disability denials, emphasizing the importance of thorough documentation and communication with healthcare providers.
- Previous denials and income levels are additional significant considerations when it comes to disability denials, while compliance with prescribed treatments and cooperation throughout the application process are essential to disability approvals.
- Patience is also key, as the disability application process can be lengthy, involving appeals and hearings.
- Engaging a disability lawyer can significantly improve your chances of success, and their payment is typically contingent on winning the case which can be a game changer.
- By being informed and proactive, you can increase your likelihood of falling within the fortunate 30% who receive the crucial disability benefits they need after their initial application.
Complete our Free Case Evaluation form on this page to get connected and speak with a disability lawyer who can help you today—all at zero cost to you.
Back to topSources
Acceptable Medical Sources – U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA)
Disability Evaluation Under Social Security – U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA)
Additional Resources
- Attorney For Social Security Disability
- Disability Lawyers Near Me
- Signs Your Disability Claim Will Be Approved
- What Is SSDI
- Difference Between SSI and SSDI
- Were you Denied Social Security Disability Benefits?
- Should I restart my Social Security disability application?
- What Conditions Automatically Qualify You for Disability
- What Eye Problems Qualify for Disability?
- Chances of Getting Disability for Arthritis
- How Long Does it Take to Get Disability Approval Letter
- 5 Tips For Filing an Appeal For Disability Benefits
- Is Neuropathy A Disability?
- Is Arthritis A Disability
- What Happens After You Get Your Award Letter from Social Security?
Blog comments
I am one of the 30% that was
I am one of the 30% that was approved the first time. I had all my medical records together, the names of my doctors, hospital, contact information for the doctors, upcoming doctor appointments - that is one of the questions asked - when is your next appointment. Social security wants to make sure you are actively getting medical care. The reasons why you are disabled and can't work. The diagnosis you were given. Social security will check everything out, they will call you and see how you are doing and verify what is on the application. It took me six months, which is pretty normal to find out I had been approved. Social security disability is not an immediate form of income. They will look at any other kinds of income such as time loss if you have a work injury. I was fortunate that I didn't need to hire an attorney, but I understand why people do.
In reply to I am one of the 30% that was by Mary (not verified)
Hi Mary,
Hi Mary,
Thank you for sharing! It's good to hear it all worked out.
In reply to I am one of the 30% that was by Mary (not verified)
is osteoarthritis or
is osteoarthritis or lumbar spondylosis Qualify you for benefits
In reply to is osteoarthritis or by daniel cruz (not verified)
Hi Daniel,
Hi Daniel,
You may qualify under the SSA's Blue Book listing 1.00. Your condition will need to meet the guidelines laid out here. You can call the SSA at 1-800-772-1213 to find out more or review the Blue Book listing to see if you meet the outlined criteria.
In reply to is osteoarthritis or by daniel cruz (not verified)
Is this a disability
Is this a disability osteoarthritis
In reply to Is this a disability by Anonymous (not verified)
Hi There,
Hi There,
You may be able to qualify for Social Security disability with Osteoarthritis. I would look over the SSA's Blue Book with your doctor to make sure you meet the listing's requirements.
In reply to I am one of the 30% that was by Mary (not verified)
Hi Mary
Hi Mary
Did you have office notes? I have all of my test results that indicate I have problems. Did you send in the medical paper work when you first applied?
Thanks Debbie
In reply to Hi Mary by Deborah (not verified)
Hi Debbie,
Hi Debbie,
Many claims are denied due to lack of medical evidence. When you apply you'll need to submit your medical evidence.
I just got denied a second
I just got denied a second time. I had open heart surgery over a year ago and have had complications from the surgery. My sternum split and did not heal correctly and I have tremendous pain from it. I have degenerative lumber disc disease, 2 of my heart chamber are enlarged, and I picked up an extra 9 heartbeats a minute & to top it all off I have an aortic root aneurysm that is in the moderate range. No shoveling, no lifting over 25lbs, no bearing down to poop or the aneurysm could rupture. If it does I will be dead before I hit the floor. Yet SS says I can work cause I don't have heart failure. What a joke. And yes I have a lawyer working on it.
In reply to I just got denied a second by Mike K (not verified)
Hi Mike,
Hi Mike,
You could try to qualify by having your doctor completing a residual functional capacity (RFC) assessment. These can help those who are unable to work for at least a year but don't meet a Blue Book listing get approved for benefits. Your doctor will need to fill it out to show why you cannot work.
In reply to I just got denied a second by Mike K (not verified)
I also have a moderate Aortic
I also have a moderate Aortic Root anuerysm, along with peripheral nueropathy, auto immune microvasculitis and more and more and yet they have denied me 4 times i am going to my first hearing tomorrow. Let me know how yours turns out
do lupus patiens quilified
do lupus patiens quilified
In reply to do lupus patiens quilified by jose (not verified)
Hi Jose,
Hi Jose,
Those with Lupus may qualify. Review the Blue Book with your doctor to see you meet the qualifications! Lupus is listed under section 14.02 (
Had back surgery on l3 l4 and
Had back surgery on l3 l4 and l5 for Stenosis. Doctor said he had to take 50 percent of the bone out the create room. Asked me after surgery about taking disability but I went back to work. He said I’d eventually need a second surgery to put rods in for support. It’s been three years and the pain is starting to come back. I deal with pain every day. Barely making it. Would I have a chance at approval
In reply to Had back surgery on l3 l4 and by Lee (not verified)
Hi Lee,
Hi Lee,
If after your second surgery, you are unable to work for at least a year, you could qualify for SSDI benefits.
I have been diagnosed with
I have been diagnosed with epilepsy and have not worked for years due to this and other issues. I am on medication for it, but I do have a couple of seizures every month that impare me for a few minutes and make me confused. I'm not sure if I should try to apply for benefits. Should I try?
In reply to I have been diagnosed with by Nancy (not verified)
Hi Nancy,
Hi Nancy,
If you were at one point could work full time, but now cannot because of epilepsy, then you could qualify for SSDI benefits.
My girlfriend has severe
My girlfriend has severe gastroparesis with a stomach emptying time of 18+ hours instead of the normal 8. She also has severe depression and ptsd. She has never worked due to her condition, which has been present since 6th grade (she is now two years graduated from highschool). Even without having worked, could she be approved the 1st time?
In reply to My girlfriend has severe by Jasper (not verified)
Hi Jasper!
Hi Jasper!
It depends on if she meets the Blue Book listing(s). She should review them with her doctor to make sure she can medically qualify. She'll also have to meet the technical requirements. She likely won't have enough work credits for SSDI. Depending on how much she has in assets, she may qualify for SSI.
Is there a requirement when
Is there a requirement when the credits are accumulated? I am 55 and I have 36 credits. Can I apply for disability?
In reply to Is there a requirement when by Mimo Mimov (not verified)
Hi Mimo,
Hi Mimo,
You have enough credits. These credits should be accumulated for at least 8 years or work.
Hi I have two Korpal tunnel
Hi I have two Korpal tunnel surgery And waiting for neck surgery and loss of hearing sever head aches lower back and knee problem left leg surgery can get ssdi
In reply to Hi I have two Korpal tunnel by Hind (not verified)
Hi Hind,
Hi Hind,
You may be able to. I'd recommend you look over the SSA's Blue Book with your doctor to make sure you meet one of the listings. You'll also have to make sure you have enough work credits.
Im 19 and have had seizures
Im 19 and have had seizures sense i was a baby i had to get brain surgery when i was 8 i got sick after had a stroke and was in acoma my seizures went away for awhile but they came back when i got older and now i have multiple kinds of seizures i havent worked before i went 6 months with no seizures but i they came back so i couldnt drive anymore i havent worked before i have been in the hospital multiple times and have rid in an ambulance more than once i have had to stay in the hospital for more than one day a bunch of times i have been on meds for as long as i can remember i suffer from short term memory loss i have to go to a doctor in a coty cause the doctors here cant figure me out i had to get a different kind of surgery not that long ago it didnt work and a new kind of seizure started i rely on my parents but sense i have never worked i dont know if they will accept me
In reply to Im 19 and have had seizures by Katie Van Noy (not verified)
Hi Katie,
Hi Katie,
You may qualify for SSI! It's not based on work credits but rather it's based on income. So if you are currently not working and have under the asset limit, then you may qualify. You'll also have to meet a Blue Book listing. I would go over the Blue Book with your doctor to make sure you meet one of the listings. Best of luck!
I submitted an ssdi
I submitted an ssdi application in August of 2019. Requesting an onset date when I left my job in Sept of 2017. I have arthritis in my knees and lower back. Can't sit or stand more than 20 minutes at a time. and am 57. I sent in all the paperwork sent to me but my application still shows sent to state medical determination. Pending still and it's now april 2020. What does that mean. I can't get my contact person on the phone.
In reply to I submitted an ssdi by M c robertson (not verified)
Hi There,
Hi There,
Unfortunately, the time it takes to hear a decision varies case by case. I would continue to monitor your claim incase they need more information.
My son will be 18 soon and
My son will be 18 soon and has Crohn's. I looked at the blue book and he meets the criteria. He has been home bound from school for the past year due to his health as well. What information do I need when I go to the social security office and how will it affect him since he has never been able to work at all?
In reply to My son will be 18 soon and by Julie (not verified)
Hi Julie,
Hi Julie,
He can apply for SSI, which is for those with a lower income. If he applies when he is over 18, then it will only be his monthly income that the SSA takes into consideration. You'll need to provide documentation of his income as well as medical documentation that he meets the Blue Book listing.
I have several mental
I have several mental conditions that are debilitating. I have anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder disability, Panic attacks, ADHD, PTSD And depression. My anxiety has increased along with depression. I tried to start a new job after 22 years Of working in the same field. I had so much anxiety and panic attacks so was only able to make it a little over a week. I don’t know a lot about disability but I recently filed. How are they with mental diagnoses
In reply to I have several mental by Angela (not verified)
Hi Angela,
Hi Angela,
You'll have make sure you meet a Blue Book listing for at least one of the conditions you are experiencing. Make sure you add as much supporting information as you can!
I was wondering in
I was wondering in degenerative disc disease, arthritis, depression, anxiety, CPTSD will qualify me for benefits.
In reply to I was wondering in by Kim (not verified)
Hi Kim! You may qualify…
Hi Kim!
You may qualify based on one, or more than one, of the. conditions you are experiencing. I would look over the SSA's Blue Book with your doctor to see if you meet at least one of the Blue Book's listings for your conditions. You will also need to be within specific income limits or have enough work credits to qualify.
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