Deanna's blog

Q & A With Someone Who Was Awarded Benefits

Submitted by Deanna on

One of the most common questions we receive is “How do I actually get approved for benefits?” The fact of the matter is that there’s no sure-fire way to get approved, and less than 50% of applicants receive benefits even after they have an ALJ hearing. So we decided to speak with a woman who WAS successful with her claim to see what she did to win her benefits.

Q: How long did it take for you to be approved?

Understanding Medicare and Social Security Disability

Submitted by Deanna on

If you are applying or have been approved for Social Security Disability benefits, you may be wondering if you will receive Medicare along with your monthly Social Security Disability payments. After all, medical bills can be an overwhelming expense. If you do not receive medical assistance, your medical expenses could possibly wipe out all of your Social Security Disability benefits.

Social Security Disability COLA Adjustment Leads to 3.6% Cost of Living Increase

Submitted by Deanna on

The Cost of Living Adjustment, otherwise known as a COLA, scheduled to take effect in 2012, will result in a much-needed and long-anticipated pay increase to those receiving regular retirement, survivors, widows, disability, and SSI benefits through the Social Security Administration as well as government retirees.

Tips for Social Security Disability

Submitted by Deanna on

Applying for Social Security Disability benefits without the proper understanding or knowledge can be compared to navigating murky waters on a cloudy day without a light or a compass. What things should you absolutely know in order to avoid the most common application mistakes? What can you expect during the disability application process? If you want to increase your chances of receiving a favorable decision regarding your Social Security Disability claim and want to avoid common misconceptions, there are five facts you absolutely can't live without.

6 Common Social Security Disability Myths

Submitted by Deanna on

Claiming Social Security Disability can be a complex process, and it is only made more confusing by the enormous amount of misinformation available. Those who are too injured to work must often rely on Social Security Disability benefit money to support themselves, and it is imperative to understand the truth about the disability application process so as not to jeopardize a person’s chances of successfully applying for disability benefits. In this post, we will address some of the most commonly espoused myths associated with Social Security Disability.

Find Out If I Qualify for Benefits!