Eric's blog

I Have A 100% VA Disability Rating. Can I Get Disability?

Submitted by Eric on

If you have a VA rating of 100% P&T, you may qualify for disability benefits, but you are not guaranteed benefits. VA benefits and Social Security disability benefits are both federal government programs, but both have very different requirements. Here is a closer look at qualifying for Social Security Disability benefits after having a 100% VA disability rating.

Things You Can Do To Strengthen Your SSDI Application

Submitted by Eric on

Applying for disability benefits is never an easy task but there are ways to make sure you put your best case when applying for these benefits.

Before you file your SSDI benefits application you should consider ways to strengthen the SSDI application as there are various criteria you need to meet before disability benefits application is approved. Providing all the supporting evidence when you file your SSDI application helps to ensure your application is not denied.

Find Out If I Qualify for Benefits!