Waiting for decision

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

I became disabled in October of 2010 and applied for SSDI. I have been treated by my doctor every week since then and have retained an attorney for my SSDI process.

I have been paying in to the Social Security system for 38 years and am 55 years old. I had been at my last job for 20 years until I had to retire in June 2012 due to my disability.

During my hearing the judge asked the Vocational Expert if I would be able to do full time work in my present position and she told the judge that I would not be able to. The judge then asked I would be able to do full time work in any position and the VE answered no, that I would not.

My doctor also provided paperwork that stated that I have a total disability and could not do any work. I also provided a letter from my former boss who I worked directly for the entire 20 years stating that I was a dependable and dedicated employee until I started missing a lot of days during the summer of 2010 due to the start up of my disability.

I just found out that my case is with a Decision Writer and would be turning the case back over to the judge in a couple of weeks.

My question is, with my work history, age, doctors treatment and findings of the Vocational Expert, what would be my chances of being rewarded benefits?

Jody Livingston (not verified)
Tue, 08/22/2017 - 16:41 Permalink

Does your case go to the decision writer even if you are denied? How long does it take to get your decision letter once the decision writer has it?


In reply to by Jody Livingston (not verified)

Thu, 08/24/2017 - 15:41 Permalink

Hi Jody,
I'm sorry--What do you mean by the "writer decision?" You will receive a denial letter at every stage of the application, but it's a little faster to check the status of your claim on the SSA's website.

Lisa francis (not verified)
Fri, 08/25/2017 - 18:19 Permalink

My Husband and I are homeless living in a shelter I can't walk and depended on my Husband and since we have been in this condition he has been horribly ill denied ssi approved for dire needs now what can any one help


In reply to by Lisa francis (not verified)

Mon, 08/28/2017 - 10:54 Permalink

Hi Lisa,
I'm sorry to hear about that! You may want to reach out to the housing authority in your state for some more information about housing programs that would be available to you.

John (not verified)
Mon, 08/28/2017 - 15:31 Permalink

My hearing was 2-7-17. I have been calling since April for updates. It finally got to a decision writer last month. I called today and they said that they haven't issued a decision yet. Does that mean they wrote a decision and it's waiting to be mailed?


In reply to by John (not verified)

Tue, 08/29/2017 - 09:19 Permalink

Hi John,
I really could not say, but it could still be at the decision writing stage. Every case is different, and as such can take varying amounts of time.

Veronica (not verified)
Thu, 08/31/2017 - 14:30 Permalink

My husband had his hearing on March 3rd 2017 in May the judge requested more medical records from treating physician and ucsf. A decision was made in June and has been sitting in unassigned writing since then (almost 3 months) my husband was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in August of 2013...denial after denial! Hoping for a decision soon! Also my husband didn't have an attorney..any feedback would be appreciated.

Veronica (not verified)

In reply to by Veronica (not verified)

Sat, 09/09/2017 - 14:38 Permalink

My husband called our local ss office on Thursday 9/7/17 And was informed his case went to an underwriter on August 28th and will be another 3-6 months before we will receive the decision. Why???? So long.


In reply to by Veronica (not verified)

Mon, 09/11/2017 - 11:03 Permalink

Hi Veronica,
It generally takes a while due to the volume of people applying. Hang in there!

Phillip Moore (not verified)
Thu, 09/07/2017 - 05:30 Permalink

I had my hearing June 27th the judge told them to start payments in August he pay for 20 months back it been 70days I have by heard from no one as of today

Jennifer (not verified)
Sat, 09/09/2017 - 18:30 Permalink

I had my Disability hearing 4/24/17 & have a lawyer & still have heard nothing as to the judge's decision. I originally filed March 2015 & went through the denial process & then it took almost a year & a half to get my hearing & I'm still waiting. I'm 47 & my lawyer says because I'm under 50 I started off "suspect" which is great. Everyday I check my mailbox in hopes I will get the letter stating that I have finally been approved for my disability & everyday there is nothing there except maybe bills or junk mail. Unfortunately for me my lawyer put little to no effort into my case & I'm scared to death that I'm not going to get it because of his incompetence & blatant lack of not giving a crap about me... excuse me for saying it that way but it's true!! He told me we would have at least a 2 hr conference prior to my hearing but he was too busy having his Florida vacation to be bothered to take that time to spend with me to get to know me so that he could be prepared for my hearing. He left it up to me to go over the list of questions that they were going to ask me!!! You talk about being scared!! I'm just hoping that I'm wrong, that he knew that he was putting just enough effort in so that he can get the money that he, I would assume, wants to get from me. Because if I do get my back pay then he stands to gain quite a bit of money. It's just so incredibly frustrating because I'm living off of welfare, I have worked since I was 16 years old, I've paid my taxes been a good law-abiding citizen & yet I'm having to struggle to try & get the government to help me when I need their help. And I've been waiting now coming up on 5 months to get a decision as to whether or not I will get my disability. I pray the Lord helps me & all of you that are waiting for your decisions to. God bless you all.

Linda Aboo (not verified)
Wed, 09/13/2017 - 23:18 Permalink

I had hearing 2/23/17 told it's at the writers it's been over six months! Kids and me are losing everything bc of money


In reply to by Linda Aboo (not verified)

Thu, 09/14/2017 - 09:04 Permalink

Hi Linda,

I am sorry to hear that. It can be a long process. Wishing you nothing but the best.


Derrick (not verified)
Sat, 09/16/2017 - 19:24 Permalink

I got a fully favorable decision letter from the ODAR 8/31. Web site states your benefits are being processed,what does that mean?

Candace (not verified)
Sun, 09/17/2017 - 21:53 Permalink

My hearing before a law judge was April 11, 2017, my decision was made June 23, 2107, but it had been in writing status since then, and it is now September 17, 2017, what is going on?


In reply to by Candace (not verified)

Mon, 09/18/2017 - 09:17 Permalink

Hi Candace,

Sorry to hear that. It can be a long process. They are still in the process of writing up your decision. Hang in there!

Buddy (not verified)
Mon, 09/25/2017 - 09:55 Permalink

Oct 10, 2017 will be 9 months from my hearing in Atlanta. Still no decision yet. Any thoughts?

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