Benefits For Chronic Restrictive Ventilatory Disease

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Conditions and Symptoms

Chronic Restrictive Ventilatory Disease is a lung disease characterized by long term breathing problems as a result of damage to the lungs themselves, the pleura, or the chest wall. This damage can come from a variety of sources, but the end result is a reduced functioning of the lungs.

Typically, those who have Chronic Restrictive Ventiliatory Disease take rapid and shallow breaths because deeper breathing is difficult or impossible for them. There are a number of other tell tale characteristics associated with the restrictive lung disease, including:

  • Airway resistance
  • Preserved air flow
  • Reduced gas transfer
  • Breathing problems, especially following exercise
  • Coughing, especially coughing up blood
  • Wheezing
  • Chest pain
  • Production of sputum
  • Hyperventilation when resting

While there are a wide range of actual disorders which are classified as chronic restrictive ventiliatory disease, they fall into two broad categories:

  • Extrinsic Disorders - this category of disorders includes respiratory diseases which affect parts of the respiratory system other than the lungs. This includes the pleura, the chest wall, and muscles used in the respiratory (breathing) process. If these systems become affected, the end result is restriction of the lungs, respiratory failure, and ventiliatory (circulation of oxygen to the blood stream) problems.
  • Intrinsic Disorders - intrinsic lung diseases or disorders are conditions which affect the lungs directly, generally causing scarring or inflammation on the lung tissue. Alternately, they may cause the lungs to fill with debris which hinders breathing.

Either type of respiratory disorder can have a number of causes. These range from actual viral or bacterial infections (which may start in the lungs or may initially affect connective tissues) to drug or tobacco induced conditions to conditions which are caused by external factors such as asbestos inhalation.

Regardless of the cause, the end result of Chronic Restrictive Ventiliatory Disease is a lack of adequate lung functioning, which makes it hard for those with the condition to breathe. This breathing difficulty is often made more severe with physical exertion, making strenuous physical activity difficult or impossible for those with the condition. Survival rates and the level of activity possible for those with Chronic Restrictive Ventiliatory Diseases vary greatly depending on the exact type of disease and the severity of the individual case.

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Filing for Social Security Disability with a Chronic Restrictive Ventiliatory Disease Diagnosis

When dealing with any kind of respiratory disease, the Social Security Administration is going to examine not only your current physical condition, but your medical history. In particular, they are going to want to know what kinds of treatment your doctors have prescribed, how long you have been following these treatments, and whether the attempted treatment achieved any noticeable result.

To qualify for Social Security Disability benefits, you are going to need to be able to demonstrate that you have been following your doctor’s prescribed treatment regimen and that your functional capacity is still too limited for it to be reasonably expected that you could continue to perform any job for which you are qualified.

Documentation which is commonly required with Chronic Restrictive Ventiliatory Disease includes:

  • Complete medical history
  • Physical exam results
  • Chest X-rays (other imaging techniques are sometimes used instead)
  • Pulmonary function testing

The guidelines used in determining Social Security Disability claims for Chronic Restrictive Ventiliatory Diseases can be found in the SSA’s Blue Book in section 3.0 Respiratory System.

In some cases, people applying for Social Security Disability benefits are able to prove that they are sufficiently disabled to qualify for benefits without being under a physician’s care, but this involves testing by the SSA’s doctors. While SSA medical examiners and other health care professionals associated with the SSA generally strive to be fair and honest in their assessments, you are better off with a diagnosis and treatment regimen coming from your own doctor.

Some restrictive ventiliatory diseases, such as asthma, specifically call for proof of symptoms continuing despite a prolonged treatment regimen. It is important when filing for Social Security Disability benefits to communicate with your doctor and other health care professionals and to make sure they know that you are applying for benefits and need them to promptly respond to any inquiries the SSA makes. Often, benefits are denied and applicants must go through a lengthy appeals process simply because the necessary documentation and test results are missing.

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Your Chronic Restrictive Ventiliatory Disease Disability Case

Most people find the process of filing for Social Security Disability benefits to be confusing, long, and strenuous. On top of that, more than 70% of initial claims denied by Social Security.

If you’re disabled, you need to start receiving benefits, and you need to start receiving them as soon as possible. The best way to do that is to have a Social Security Disability lawyer represent you.

Disability lawyers work with the SSA and its disability requirements constantly, and know what will be needed for your disability claim to be approved. They can work directly with your health care professionals to make sure that all documentation is turned in and that it is phrased in such a way (showing your actual functional limitations) that Social Security adjudicators at all levels will be most likely to approve.

Additionally, your attorney will be able to represent you at your disability hearing, if your claim has been denied.

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