Find Out How You Can Qualify for Disability with Neuropathy (Updated 2023)

Most commonly, it is called peripheral neuropathy. All nerves and nerve pathways located outside the spinal cord and brain form the peripheral nervous system.

Your peripheral neuropathy could have developed gradually or it could have been sudden onset, and symptoms vary significantly from individual to individual.

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Types of Neuropathy

There are three ways to characterize neuropathy. It can be characterized by the kind of nerve that has been damaged, the location of the nerve damage within your body, and the disease process that causes it.

There are three main kinds of peripheral nerves:

  1. Sensory nerves - control our senses
  2. Motor nerves - control voluntary movement
  3. Autonomic nerves - control involuntary movement. 

If you have neuropathy, you can get disability benefits

Some reasons why neuropathy may be caused include:

  1. Diabetic neuropathy - caused by diabetes
  2. Idiopathic neuropathy - and unidentified cause
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Causes and Symptoms of Neuropathy

Neuropathy can be caused by many things, including:

  • Inflammation
  • Medications
  • Liver failure
  • Vitamin deficiencies
  • Alcoholism
  • Metabolic disorders

Regardless of the cause, peripheral neuropathy can be a very debilitating disorder that can impact multiple aspects of an individual's life.

Some symptoms of neuropathy include trouble with the ability to:

  • Stand
  • Walk
  • Lift items
  • Carry items

Neuropathy can impact your day-to-day functioning as well as your ability to work and perform your normal job duties. Your symptoms depend on the nerves affected and where it is located in the body. You could have more than one kind of nerve damage.

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How Serious is Peripheral Neuropathy?

If you have peripheral neuropathy and you do not address it with treatment, it could get worse. When peripheral neuropathy is left untreated, you could see more nerve damage in the affected areas that could become permanent.

For example, if you have peripheral neuropathy in your feet, it could get worse If you do not treat it. You could develop m foot ulcers that could cause serious bacterial infections in your feet due to a lack of blood flow.

Because peripheral neuropathy attacks the nerves, it can get serious to the point where someone with peripheral neuropathy could develop paralysis if it attacks the motor nerves.

If left untreated and if it's serious enough, peripheral neuropathy can get bad enough where it affects the heart. Peripheral neuropathy can affect some of the functions of the heart and circulation system when it affects these nerves leading to a serious condition, that is called cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy.

What starts off as a burning sensation and tingling in the hands and fingers, if left alone and untreated it could develop into something more serious.

Which is why at the first symptoms of peripheral neuropathy, it is recommended that you seek treatment from a doctor.  If you are seeking treatment from a doctor and the symptoms are not getting better or are getting worse and you can no longer work because of peripheral neuropathy, then you may want to apply for Social Security disability benefits.

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The Cost of Treating Neuropathy

According to Cost Helper, peripheral neuropathy can be expensive to treat. If the symptoms are mild, a doctor could recommend something such as Tylenol or Ibuprofen over-the-counter which runs from $5 to $25.

If an individual has more serious problems, a patient will need pain management methods, including prescription drugs. Health insurance will usually cover this and you will be responsible for copays and coinsurance costs ranging from 10% to 50%.

Prescriptions can range from $20 to $400 per month, depending upon the drug and if it is generic or brand name. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is a non-invasive medical approach in which a device uses electrodes to release electrical current.

This pain relieving approach usually costs around $700.

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Is Peripheral Neuropathy a Disability?

The answer is yes if the symptoms of the peripheral neuropathy make it impossible to hold down a job of any kind.

Each year, the SSA publishes a medical guide called the Blue Book, which lists every medical condition and the associated severe symptoms that define a disability. The answer to the question, “Is peripheral neuropathy a disability” is found under section 11.14 of the Blue Book. To qualify for Social Security disability benefits, you have to meet one of two severity of symptoms standards listed for neuropathy in the Blue Book.

First, a significant compromise in the motor function system of at least two extremities might make you eligible for disability benefits. 

The compromising of the motor function of at least two extremities must prevent you from:

  1. standing up


  2.  staying balanced while walking at a moderate pace. 

Second, the SSA considers peripheral neuropathy a disability if the medical condition limits your ability:

  1. to remember information 


  2. interact with your professional peers.

The debilitating symptoms of peripheral neuropathy must keep you out of work for a minimum of 12 consecutive months for the SSA to approve a claim for financial assistance. Since neuropathy is not a standalone disease, you might qualify for neuropathy disability if the medical condition is caused by another disease such as diabetes.

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The SSA Evaluation and Medical Qualifications for Neuropathy

The SSA has strict guidelines that are used to determine if an individual is disabled. They use a medical guide that is referred to as the Blue Book. Your peripheral neuropathy and underlying conditions will be considered together to determine whether or not you are disabled.


The Blue Book has two impairment listings to specifically deal with Peripheral Neuropathy, which are Section 9.08 and Section 11.14.

Section 9.08 focuses on neuropathy that is in conjunction with diabetes mellitus. In order to meet the section’s requirements, you must have been diagnosed with diabetes and have neuropathy characterized by tremor, ataxia, paralysis, or involuntary movement in two of your arms or legs, causing you the inability to perform gross motor and fine movements, causing standing and walking limitations.

Section 11.14, which covers the Neurological System, addresses the peripheral neuropathies directly.

In order to qualify under this listing, you must be diagnosed with neuropathy that is characterized by tremor, ataxia, paralysis, or involuntary movement in two of your arms or legs, causing you the inability to perform gross motor and fine movements, interfering with your walking and standing abilities.

The SSA may order a medical evaluation at their expense to confirm your symptoms and level of disability. They choose a physician and schedule an appointment for you as part of the disability claims process. This appointment is not for medical treatment, but solely for an evaluation.

Even if you do not meet the Blue Book requirements fully, you could still be eligible for SSDI through a medical vocational allowance if the SSA determines you are unable to return to your past work or transition to a new kind of work because of your functional limitations, work skills, age, and education.

If you have a Neuropathy disabling condition, you may qualify for Social Security disability benefits.

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Meeting Disability Criteria with an RFC for Neuropathy

A residual functioning capacity (RFC) form is detailed and can help you get disability approval using a medical vocational allowance.

You have your doctor complete the RFC in detail, listing your limitations, including how long you can stand or sit in a position without having to reposition, such as every 2 hours or so. It should also indicate any symptoms that you have, such as the inability to grasp or handle certain projects.

If you are on medication that impairs your functioning, like it causes fatigue, confusion, or dizziness, that should also be indicated.

If you have neuropathy, you can get disability benefitsExplain how the pain and symptoms impact your ability to handle your regular tasks and your work duties. Your doctor needs to make it clear about how your medical issues impact your functioning and your ability to work or transition to a new kind of employment.

In the event your peripheral neuropathy is the result of a diabetes, your physician should also list the symptoms and side effects that you experience from your diabetes.

Also note if it is difficult to control and the kind of medications you have tried to control your diabetes as these can have a role in whether or not you are considered disabled.

Physical and neurological exams are used to diagnose neuropathy. There are many tests that can be used, including:

  • Electroencephalography (EEG)
  • Spinal tap
  • Blood work
  • Urine samples
  • CAT scans
  • MRI scans
  • Electromyography
  • Conduction velocity studies.

These tests help determine that you do suffer from neuropathy and what kind of neuropathy you are experiencing.

Applying for disability is a lengthy and complicated process, so it can be very time-consuming. The more documentation you provide initially, the better it will be for your claim.

You have a lot to gain from a successful Social Security disability claim. A successful claim wouldn’t just mean consistent financial support for your ailment—it would also grant you the kind of stability that you may have been missing out on for years now.

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What If Your Neuropathy Claim is Denied?

The first thing to know is that if your application is denied disability, don’t worry. There is no need to panic because more claims are denied than approved on the first attempt, and that is simply due to the huge number of applications that are submitted on a regular basis to the Social Security Administration.

Many of those claims are incomplete or missing relevant medical documentation to help the SSA make their determination, and so the appeals process is where applicants can make sure they have included as much information as possible to help improve the chances that their claims are approved.

If you have neuropathy, you can get disability benefitsYou have 60 days to appeal the decision, and the first step is to file a request for reconsideration. Essentially, the request for reconsideration is where you file your application again in hopes that a different administrator reviews the case and has a favorable opinion.

If the appeal is denied, you can attend a disability hearing where an administrative judge will hear your case and determine whether your claim should be approved with neuropathy. The judge could consult with a medical expert or a vocational expert to help make a decision.

You are able to have witnesses at the hearing, and though it is not required to have witnesses it can be very helpful to your case to have someone there who can support your claim, especially if there are special circumstances surrounding your situation.

The appeal process can be overwhelming, so you might choose to work with a Social Security disability attorney who can help guide you through the process and ensure that your application is complete. Though not guaranteed, working with a Social Security lawyer can greatly improve your chances of approval.

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How To Increase Your Chances of Getting Disability Benefits with Neuropathy

If you have been diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy and you want to file a claim for Social Security disability benefits, there are things that you can do to improve your chances of approval.

The most important aspect of your claim is the medical documentation you provide, as this is the basis upon which the Social Security Administration will evaluate your claim.

The SSA will look at your application to determine whether you can return to the work you were doing before, you cannot adjust to new work and that your disability will last at least one year.

When you look at your application, you should make sure that it provides evidence that supports your claim that you cannot work.

The rule of thumb about what medical information you should provide in your application is this: Include everything. The more information you provide, the greater your chances of approval.

Your application should include a report from your doctor detailing:

  • Your diagnosis
  • Relevant medical history
  • Results of lab tests and imaging scans
  • Your treatment plan
  • List of all medications you are taking and any side effects you have experienced
  • Any other information that will highlight how your diagnosis prevents you from working.

You should think of your application in terms of providing an explanation as to why you cannot work, with the documentation you provide serving as the proof.

If you cannot stand for long periods of time but you’re capable of working while sitting down, then you would not be considered disabled under the SSA guidelines.

The SSA utilizes the residual functioning capacity (RFC) to determine your ability to work. The RFC outlines the maximum amount of work that you are able to perform considering your condition, and from there the SSA will look to see whether or not you would be capable of performing other tasks, based on your education and work experience.

If you are deemed unable to perform other tasks because of your condition, then you would likely qualify for disability benefits.

When you look at your application, think of whether or not you have provided enough information to support a RFC that would prevent you from working.

Another important consideration is whether or not you have enough work credits to file a claim for disability benefits. Work credits are earned on a yearly basis in years where you paid taxes and earned $6,920. (That amount changes on a yearly basis; $6,920 is the 2024 amount) You must have 40 credits, with 20 of those credits earned in the past 10 years, to qualify for disability.

The number of work credits is based on age, so younger applicants will require fewer work credits because they have not worked long enough to earn 40 credits.

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Free Case Evaluation - Earn Up to $3,882 Per Month

Unfortunately, winning a claim isn’t a cakewalk, which is why you should consider consulting a Social Security disability attorney or disability advocate.

Your attorney will use his or her knowledge and experience to fight on your behalf and help you get the benefits you need—and you don’t even need to pay your lawyer unless you win.

A successful Social Security claim could be life-changing, so don’t wait to get an evaluation and talk to a Social Security disability attorney as soon as possible.

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