If the Social Security Administration (SSA) has denied you disability benefits with colon cancer, you have the legal right to file an appeal for your denied colon cancer disability claim. The SSA has established an appeal process that gives sick or injured American workers the opportunity for a second chance to make a positive first impression.
With an appeal for Social Security disability benefits, you have to collect and organize more medical evidence that demonstrates the severity of your colon cancer symptoms. A lawyer who handles Social Security disability cases can guide you through the appeal process.
Back to topFiling a Convincing Appeal
Regardless of the stage, colon cancer can produce debilitating symptoms. According to the SSA, qualifying for disability benefits with colon cancer requires you to prove that you missed work for at least one year or that you suffer from the terminal stage of the disease.
A team of medical examiners from the SSA reviews your claim to determine whether the symptoms that you suffer from meet the guidelines established by the federal agency’s medical guide called the Blue Book. Section 13.18 of the Blue Book presents the medical standards that allow you to reverse a denied with colon cancer disability claim.
If your colon cancer cannot be operated on or the cancerous cells have redeveloped after a period of remission, you might be able to overturn a denied disability benefits claim. The same result could happen if the tumors associated with your colon cancer were not 100 percent removed during the first surgery. Severe symptoms of advanced colon cancer can include weakness and acute pain.
Back to topPersuasive Medical Evidence Can Reverse a Colon Cancer Denied Disability Claim
If you have been denied by the SSA with colon cancer, you must submit more compelling medical evidence with your appeal paperwork. A colonoscopy provides a view of your colon to detect the presence of cancerous tumors.
Although blood tests cannot confirm the presence of cancerous colon cells, the tests can reveal other health issues that are the result of colon cancer. A document submitted by your doctor that describes your prognosis can make you eligible to receive future disability benefits.
Undergoing a Residual Functional Capacity Assessment
An appeal filed for denied disability with colon cancer might include the completion of a Residual Functional Capacity (RFC) assessment. An RFC assessment can include a battery of tests that measure your stamina.
Advanced stages of colon cancer can trigger acute fatigue that an RFC assessment can measure by putting you through standard exercises such as jumping jacks and riding a stationary bike. An RFC assessment can also detect your level of pain, especially in the area surrounding the colon and rectum. Because cancer of any kind can cause immense emotional distress, the RFC assessment conducted by a physician from the SSA might include an extensive profile of your emotional well-being.
Back to topContact a Social Security Lawyer
You have sixty days after receiving the denied with colon cancer letter to respond by filing an appeal. Sixty days go by fast, which means you should work with an attorney who handles cases that involve filing an appeal for denied Social Security disability benefits.
Your lawyer not only can help you meet the filing deadline, but also ensure that you submit more convincing medical records than you submitted when you filed the original claim. Complete the Free Case Evaluation on this page to get in touch with a disability attorney who takes cases in your area today!
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