Aortic Atresia and Social Security Disability Claims
This year alone, the Social Security Administration is expected to receive more than three million claims for Social Security Disability benefits. The applicants who file these claims are usually living with significant financial stress. Without any way to earn a living, the ability to pay bills and cover day-to-day living expenses becomes a serious issue. While in the past Social Security Disability benefits were intended to help in situations such as these, the disability claim process has been fairly unreasonable for many disability applicants.
The truth is that it will take most Social Security Disability applicants two years or more before they receive their first disability payment from the Social Security Administration. Because their disability prevents them from performing substantial gainful work activity, that means two years of living with no source of income. In some situations, waiting two years for benefits to begin is nearly impossible. That is where the SSA's Compassionate Allowances program comes into play.
In 2008 the Social Security Administration introduced the Compassionate Allowances processing guidelines. Under these guidelines, some Social Security Disability applicants may be approved for benefits in less than a month. Until recently, there were only 88 conditions that could qualify a Social Security Disability applicant for claim processing under these guidelines. Now the SSA has included 12 more conditions in their Compassionate Allowances listings. Aortic atresia is one of the conditions that has been included in this new list.
Back to topAortic Atresia Condition and Symptoms
Aortic atresia is a condition that occurs when there is a congenital defect of the heart that results in opening or a limited opening from the left ventricle into the aorta of the heart. This is a rare congenital defect that usually results in death during an infant's neonatal period.
When a patient suffers from aortic atresia, they also usually suffer from a variety of other heart defects. While the exact symptoms of the condition will vary from patient to patient, common symptoms include: a heart murmur, cyanosis, rapid breathing, low energy, irritability and clammy skin.
While there is no cure for aortic atresia, treatment is available in some cases. Depending on the severity of the condition, doctors may recommend a combination of drugs and surgery. Sometimes catheterization is necessary. Some of the patients who suffer from this condition have been able to reach adulthood with proper medical treatment.
Back to topFiling for Social Security Disability with Aortic Atresia
If you or your child have been diagnosed with aortic atresia, it is important that you understand that even though the condition is listed under the SSA's Compassionate Allowances listings, it does not automatically mean that you will be approved for Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Income. You have to make sure that you fill out your claim forms properly if you hope to obtain a hassle-free approval of your Social Security Disability claim.
When filling out the Social Security Disability paperwork, make sure that you provide as much medical documentation as possible including lab results with medical imaging, treatment histories and written statements from treating physicians. All of these things will help support your claim for Social Security Disability benefits.
You also have to make sure that you fill out the answers that are on the disability claim forms completely and with as much detail as possible. This will help the adjudicator that is reviewing your file understand the severity of your condition and how it qualifies you for disability benefits under the Compassionate Allowances guidelines.
Back to topAortic Atresia and Your Social Security Disability Case
Many of the people who file Social Security Disability claims that are based on a Compassionate Allowances listing assume that their claim will be automatically approved by the Social Security Administration. It is important to understand that this is not always the case. While the SSA does not deny Compassionate Allowances claims on a frequent basis, it does happen on occasion.
In some cases, a person filing a claim that is based on a Compassionate Allowances listing will not fill out their claim forms properly or will not provide sufficient medical evidence to meet the SSA's published guidelines. When this occurs, the applicant must pursue the disability appeal process in order to obtain the benefits that they are entitled to. To prevent the need for filing a disability appeal, you should consider retaining the services of a qualified Social Security Disability attorney or advocate.
When you work with a Social Security Disability lawyer, the professional you hire will help you with the preparation of your disability claim. They will also help you gather the evidence that will be needed to support your claim for Social Security Disability benefits.
To learn more about the Social Security Compassionate Allowance listings, or to find out whether or not you qualify for Social Security Disability benefits due to a case of aortic atresia, simply fill out the form for a free evaluation of your Social Security Disability case.
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