Be Sure to Check the Status of Your Claim

Everyone makes mistakes and mix ups can occur, thus it is important to take it upon yourself to regularly check the status of your Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) claim, rather than wait for the Social Security Administration to provide you with updates.

There are many reasons why you should check the status of your disability claim. If you check your disability claim status you can find out if your paperwork can get lost or misplaced. Mail may not reach you on time or even get lost leading to your application becoming lost in the shuffle or downright rejected, so checking your disability claim status will keep you up to date on the progression of your claim. By checking the status of you disability claim, you will not only know where your disability application stands, but also learn if there is anything you can do to speed up the process. Many are denied on their initial application, so don't worry if your status ends up denied disability. You can file an appeal.

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How Can I Check on my Claim?

There are two main ways that you can check the status of your claim:

  • Online At
  • By Calling the SSA at a local SSA office or the main line.

If you choose to check the status of your claim online, you will need to create an account with "my Social Security", which is the SSA's online service. You will need identifying information for this, such as your home address, Social Security Number, and a valid email address.

You also need to be 18 years of age or older.

To check your status by phone, you will need the same information as you would for checking online, but you would be contacting the SSA's automated line. They can be reached at 1-800-772-1213.

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How Often to Check Your Claim's Status

By a general rule of thumb, you only want to check the status of a disability application about once every thirty days. However, there are certain times when you may want to check more often. If you recently submitted information you may want to check within two weeks to make sure it was received. If you are waiting for a decision and it is overdue, check every couple of days. While this is rare, there have been cases where decisions have not been sent out. By calling the Social Security Office where your application is being processed, you can find out what is going on with your application.

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Questions to Ask About Your Disability Claim

While the main question is whether or not your disability claim has been approved, there are some others you may also want to have answered:

  • Do I need to do anything else? Many times a disability claim will get slowed down because the SSA is waiting or paperwork. By asking if you need to do anything else, they can let you know if there is any other information they need. This not only helps speed up the process, but will give you a sense of being in control of your own destiny.
  • How long do I Need to Wait? If you are not sure how much longer the process is going to take, ask. Many people who are going through the disability application process feel like their lives are in limbo. Sometimes weeks can seem like months, and months can seem like years. By asking how long you have to wait for a decision, you can feel like you have an end in sight.

For specific information about checking on your application during the different stages of the application process , you can take a look at our page about it:

The key to remember is that the onus is on you to make sure that everything is going smoothly with your Social Security disability application. While the SSA will make the decision, you can do a lot to make sure that decision is made quickly. If you ever have a question, or just want to know where your SSDI or SSI claim stands, do not be afraid to call. While you might be scared that calling too often will have a negative impact on your application, the truth is that you can’t be penalized for asking questions. In fact, one of the best weapons you have in your arsenal is asking questions. Make sure to use it.

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Additional Resources

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