Blog posts

Avoid Accusations of Fraud When Receiving Benefits

Submitted by Shane on

Among the benefits of hiring a qualified Social Security disability attorney to help you with your disability case is the advice he or she can give you about how to steer clear of an accusation of fraud after your claim for disability benefits is approved. Unfortunately fraud cases are not uncommon and they cost the taxpayer a substantial amount of money. Therefore, the Social Security Administration is charged by the federal government with regularly reviewing each recipient’s status on a regular basis.

Don't Lose Your Disability Benefits - Keys for Keeping the Benefits You Need

Submitted by Shane on

With all the noise about Social Security disability reform being generated in Washington and elsewhere, especially among those running for re-election, reports of Social Security disability fraud in the millions of dollars, and with a substantial increase in funds set aside to fund case reviews and investigations, Social Security disability recipients may feel anxious about the status of their cases and the security of their disability payments.

Opinions Differ When it Comes to Cutting Back on Social Security Benefits

Submitted by Daniel on

More and more voices are calling for an overhaul of the Social Security system, and many are targeting Social Security disability benefits for scrutiny. Citing the need to “cut waste” in SSDI, representatives like Republican Mike Rogers of Alabama stress that the staggering size of the nation’s deficit demands stricter measures in distributing the nation’s tax dollars.

New Hope - Social Security Pushes for Electronic Records

Submitted by Daniel on

Building on the positive momentum generated by SSA commissioner Michael Astrue's September announcement of the first decrease in pending Social Security Disability hearings in over a decade, the Federal government now seems to be making a big push towards a new method of increasing efficiency in healthcare: the implementation of electronic record keeping.

SSA Reports Hearings Backlog Down for the First Time in Decades

Submitted by Chris on

On September 30, 2009, Michel Astrue, commissioner the of Social Security Administration, announced a decline in the number of pending Social Security hearings. This announcement marked the first decline of hearings since 1999. Unfortunately, Social Security still has 722,822 pending hearings. In 2009, to further reduce the amount of pending Social Security Hearings the SSA hired 147 Administrative Law Judges (ALJs) and plans to hire 226 more ALJs in 2010.

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