It is important to hire a disability attorney for your disability hearing because an SSD attorney will be able to speak to the experts to get them to understand why you deserve disability benefits.
An attorney for SSD benefits is also knowledgeable about the ALJ and the process necessary for winning your case for disability benefits. This is absolutely essential if you wish to win your appeal and get your disability benefits entitlements.
Back to topTalking to Experts
At your disability hearing there will be a vocational expert present. Your attorney will make every effort to convince this person that your disability is severe and interferes with your daily activities, including participating in a job. This is important as the vocational expert will want all the evidence to prove your disability. A disability attorney will know how to present the evidence in a convincing way.
Back to topMedical Evidence from Your Doctor
One of the key factors that will convince the ALJ that you are entitled to disability benefits is showing sufficient evidence from your doctor that your disability prevents you from engaging in workplace activities.
This includes a medical report that reveals your diagnosis, treatment and recovery time. At this point in your application it is likely that your doctor will have conducted a residual function capacity test (RFC)which will have shown your ability to undertake both physical and mental activities such as how long you are able to stand up unaided before you need to rest and how long you can concentrate when given instructions.
Sometimes the social security administration (SSA) will call in a medical expert (ME) to a hearing and often this expert states that the plaintiff does not meet the criteria to be awarded disability benefits.
As long as you have a disability attorney present at your Social Security disability benefits hearing s/he has the right to cross examine the ME which could include the following:
- object to the way the ALJ questioned the ME;
- object if the ME hasn't even considered your doctor's opinion;
- determine whether the ME has correctly interpreted the blue listing requirements;
- ask the ME if all the available evidence has been considered.
If there is any medical evidence that doesn’t appear to match the outcome of the disability this is the time when your attorney for SSDI can go through the evidence and make sure it is all there and presented in such a way that anyone can understand it.
Get a Free Case Evaluation Today
If your initial disability application has been denied, you should hire a disability attorney to represent you at the hearing. This ensures you have the best chance of winning your disability benefits entitlements which will help meet your financial needs while you are unable to work.
You can access a disability law attorney by completing a free case evaluation.
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Additional Resources
- Administrative Law Judge
- How To Find A Social Security Disability Lawyer
- Tips for Winning Your Social Security Disability Hearing
- Can I Represent Myself At A Disability Hearing?
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